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An Táin Working Airedales - Tail Length

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Socks. In all due respect, your last two posts are a direct insult to this man. You are judging him on a few pictures that he has posted on this forum. I can't see any issue? Nobody has questioned the

The perception of how other people keep their stock is relative. A lot of people with pets are appalled at the way some hunting/working dogs are kept in kennels and never allowed inside or on the sof

Looks like they are kept in a shit hole to me .........

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Well the straw is dry and since I live in the mountains they MUST be bedded on straw because it gets so cold up here.


They are on chains because it is lambing season and I don't want any young bitches getting out in my absence and finding a hefty bill of a few grand going through the letter box.


The "scrap" is a pillow they tore apart between them during playfighting and the sticks are there for them to chew on so they don't get bored.


And the pen itself is a walled sheep pen approx 10metres by 10metres, ample space with straw filled boxes. But hey, maybe if I put them into a galvanised pen 6 feet by 6 feet, with an epoxy floor and great drainage and then change the bed of straw for a wooden box with no bedding that might conform more to what some people think a dog should be housed in.


Good man yourself.

Edited by foxhound45
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  On 11/04/2014 at 22:09, foxhound45 said:

Well the straw is dry and since I live in the mountains they MUST be bedded on straw because it gets so cold up here.


They are on chains because it is lambing season and I don't want any young bitches getting out in my absence and finding a hefty bill of a few grand going through the letter box.


The "scrap" is a pillow they tore apart between them during playfighting and the sticks are there for them to chew on so they don't get bored.


And the pen itself is a walled sheep pen approx 10metres by 10metres, ample space with straw filled boxes. But hey, maybe if I put them into a galvanised pen 6 feet by 6 feet, with an epoxy floor and great drainage and then change the bed of straw for a wooden box with no bedding that might conform more to what some people think a dog should be housed in.


Good man yourself.

So does that mean your dogs ain't stock broke ? Having to chain them up


And don't you think giving a dog sticks to chew to stop it getting bored is bad stockmanship ? A bone would be much healthier and safer


Why not give the mutts a box and bedding ? Seen as you live in the mountains I'm sure they'd appreciate it

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Although my dogs are stock broken, live with livestock and roam free at night among them. I don't think I could entirely trust them running free in a land full of succulent lambs. It's a lot to ask from a meat eating hunting dog.


Nice dogs, I like them.


Are they allowed on the sofa?

Edited by leegreen
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My friend acctually has an airedale off ronan I went with him to pick the dog up I both the dogs ronan had with him were In excellent order we've worked the bitch round holes and did well and through cover with hounds with fields full of sheep and the bitch didnt bat an eyelid

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They all have their own raised boxes which are bedded with straw.


They all have a 10m x 10m pen to run in.


They are dogs. I will never trust them with lambs no matter how experienced they are in the field.


Sticks and bones get chewed.......they will chew on anything that gets thrown in the pens. When did letting working dogs chew on sticks become bad stockmanship. I work them pens everyday, scrub them clean, carry buckets of fresh water across the yard, tend the dogs feet, teeth, wormers and spend a fortune on meal. Don't lecture to me about stockmanship because I can assure you the Sperrins in Winter is not a nice place to be working pens and for me these dogs are something I live to work.


I will let them chew on anything medium to soft that makes their stay in the pens more bearable, which includes sticks.


As for the sofa....they have never seen the inside of a house except as pups, they won't enter a house and if I brought them in they would be on edge and wreck the place.


Ahhh this is great, sure I could play this game all day without once ever me asking to discuss your pens.

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Foxhound are your stock from any particular lines? I really like the idea of working Airedalea and a few friends of mine work stags/lurchers with a good dose of Airedale blood and they have nothing but good things to say. Have you seen/worked any of the American lines? How do they compare to yours? Aesthetically speaking, I do prefer the ones with a jacket compared to the smoother ones I have seen.

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I think what blue223 is saying is his Jack Russell is more versatile than an Airedale, but we have never hunted together.


As for my lines, I have a mixture of Mogollon and Redline in some bitches and dogs originating from the West of Ireland in the other.


Does anyone have any good working photos of their hounds and terriers to bring life back to this thread? Large terriers such as wheatens and Irish terriers or even large leggy Lakeland photos would be great to see.


To finish on a note, working Airedales can be a case of beggars can't be choosers. Basically when a pup comes to a working home it has to be worked due to the low availability of good stock. When we look at Patterdales and other working terriers there are good bloodlines available although I know a good working terrier is rare these days, but there are litters to chose from. With this breed sadly it is not the case meaning litters are rare and working litters are like a holy grail, hence this is the whole reason to keep them alive.........so that our largest terrier isn't assigned to the history books due to the first and second world wars causing every Airedale in the country to be used and then destroyed.

Edited by foxhound45
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  On 12/04/2014 at 07:47, Stabs said:

Blue....a claim like that would assume you have seen these dogs work. Is that the case?

im only taking the piss them airdales are in good hands an are a versatile breed as foxhound45 has proved. I did help him out with a contact for more redlines and he has put them to good use which is nice to see..well done pal keep at it :thumbs:

Edited by Blue223
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