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Saluki X Problem

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Hi All,


I have a Saluki Whippet Grey bitch, just gone 2 years old and around 24tts. She's a cracking looking bitch, fit as fire and has no problems with her working ability.. apart from the fact she wont retrieve every single catch, only some.


She's starting to pee me off a bit now as when I take her out, some days she is good as gold and comes back as soon as I shout or whistle her but every once in a while (say one in every 3/4 walks) she turns into a pure stubborn and ignorant bitch! Wont even respond to my calls, runs right over the other side of the field to other dogs/people etc.. she doesn't run out of sight, but wont come back to heel to get her lead on.


I just cant understand how 75% of the time she is spot on and then other times its like she is a completely different dog!


Has anybody else experienced this? I know a few people claim Saluki's to be stubborn/ignorant but then others i've met couldn't praise theirs enough. She is always out with my Deer/Grey bitch who is perfectly behaved all of the time, so its not like she has a 'bad influence' or anything.


Anybody have any tips on how to get her to improve as ive tried everything I can think of so far.. or is it just 'one of them dogs'?




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  • 5 months later...

Ive considered having her PTS, as she is a liability for me now. Just if someone more experienced with the cross believes they can 'sort her out' so to say then I would rather that obviously. Its a hard decision as ive had her almost 3 years now, and I do want what is best for her. She wont be getting rehomed unless its a forever home where she wont be passed from pillar to post. But if nobody is willing to take her on then I guess PTS is my last option. I have tried long and hard to work on her obedience but I feel as if she just doesn't want to bond with me, just there is always that possibility she may bond well with a new owner and come on leaps and bounds.

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Ive had a few of my good friends ask around to see if anybody suitable would be interested, I don't mind hanging onto her for a while longer but with her obedience issues I am no longer prepared to let her off the lead and I feel cruel because as you know all lurchers want to do is run and she becomes frustrated. And what do you mean by 'breaking' her?

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Sounds to me like you've given her a hiding for it at some point so now when she knows she's done wrong she's scared to come back. Might be wrong but that's what it sounds like.


As for your two options being rehome or PTS - REALLY????


How about put the effort in and get it sorted? Maybe a new hobby in order?


edited to say; My bad, just read the posts not the dates. If you been trying since April you're obviously putting the effort in. Thought about taking her to someone who's got more experience with the breed? Might be worth a go?

Edited by Tyla
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She used to be decent 75% of the time.. now it is around 5/10%. The problem has got worse as she has got older, very frustrating and a little upsetting if im honest. Im not one for getting rid of dogs, but with all the time and effort ive put in to her and her not showing improvement I feel like a beaten man.

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