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fukiing bees

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I'm with the Mole Catcher, wasps and bee's....black and white by the way. honey bees never ground nest for a start. without these small stinging insects all life on this planet would cease..never mind your hedge rows,fruit trees,hard woods etc. stop, read and learn. all wild grasses and garden flora relie 110% on the natural polonation too perpetuate and flourish , this small service provided gratis by our small friends Hence providing us with the enviroment we enjoy. F--k, get your hands out your shorts and turn the pages lads this is embarrassing.....we all need these entomoligeae(did I get that correct) the spellingI mean, too continue with the persutes we enjoy........give us a break. Or let it all f-----g DIE. Take real intrest :doh: Happy country living

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I tell you whats funny, the reaction dogs have to wasp stings. One little dog i once saw cpouldnt work out what was happening and actually sat down!!! I had to run over and grab her, pulling the wasps out with my hands rapidly once i had gotten far enough away. Even though she had been stung 10 or 12 times there was no lasting effects. I always thought it funny that thr dog didnt run away when being stung..... :hmm:

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