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Nearly There...in The Medals...

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Regards the Other threads on Kid not getting of the Comp much and not interacting with the world..GOOD NEWS for me !


Well yesterday ,Had to give up a Day out with the hounds & terriers...with the wee man ,"Shoot Callout ". :(

Instead off, to the Scottish TKD Champs. The wee man being getting on in his Gradings A+ and A passes...Won Junior of the year for his Club.his first year at it ...

Well his Master,thought he'd do well at his Set Sparring Patterns,so put him forward..,but He wanted to go for a Bout aswell..Ok. if your sure !

His first time on the mat,he lost focus on his Patterns ,didn't Realise he would be up against some one on a knockout !!!neither did I ! Bummer Out first

Round..Disappointed was a understatement.

Next up was his Bouts ..we weren't Expecting nothing ..Got Through . :boogy:

Up against a "Veteran" a wee fella ,bouncing to go..right from the off could see it coming ..BANG !! full square in the face..he was on his ass.

Then the Crying Started... Went down to the Side ,explained This is what it's all about ,give yourself a Shake..or leave it at that !,your decision.

Well dusted himself down..and managed to pull some points back ,but not enough...Beat !..his first loss..Gutted.

Hate to see the wee man Crying...Brought up to Never Cry infront of anybody...Rightly or wrongly just doesn't sit easy with me..Mum thinks I'm Harsh :yes: ,my thinking Don't let them see a Weekness..they'll capitilise on it !

Well got a Shout to say He was to Fight again for a Bronze..You going to go for it ? he was asked...Yepp! was the reply .

Different ,Kid this time..Fought a good bout ,even throughout,pipped by a Point for the Bronze... :sorry:

Done us PROUD !! and his club ..who went on to pick up a few medals.. first bout first Tournament.Came away asking when the next one will be.

The interaction and support of the other Older kids was exceptional ..not all Kids are Loaded up on comp games in their own wee world,although mine still Drift into Cyber world for awhile...happy medium :notworthy:



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  On 06/04/2014 at 20:15, fireman said:

Would say give him a pat on the back but he'd probebly deck you but well done indeed young fella and leather them next time :laugh::victory:

My old man was Still Decking Me ! when I was in My 20's,and that was with a Terrier hanging off him aswell ! :yes: but that's an other Story..Suffice to say ..don't move a mans HUT ...to make way for a Kennel...without asking FIRST :icon_redface::laugh: :laugh:

I've still got 2 feet over him ,but he might Just make it to My grand ol' height of 5ft ..as they say ..Ain't the size of the Dog in the Fight ...The size of the Fight in it !

Did let him have a Treat,Let him Pat the dog :D .Only his mums allowed a Cuddle..Us men don't do that "Touch feely thing " :rolleyes:

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Never mind the size of him, I am 6ft 1 and Julia Cross used to beat seven bells of keech out of me every time we sparred....look her up on youtube...


Where does the wee fella train? I am out of it now, back fekket with TKD and rugby...bad combo as it turns out.....

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