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What do you lot think? I've had loads of PCPs, all will do the necessary, from the very basic right through to the top end. I've kept the S200, an Air Wolf and the Anschutz target rifle. When new, you'd be talking close to £5k :icon_eek: The thing is, up until this latest set back with my health I'd gone back to using the springers more B) and getting more satisfaction from them with the same results at the end of the day. I mostly use a tuned Pro Sport and a 95K

Anyone else found this? The more I think about it :hmm: , the more likely they'll be the "for sales", just keep the scopes and get back even more to springers like the Longbow, TX and the 90K gas ram :wallbash: ...............Al :drink:

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  Big bald beautiful said:
springers are better if you enjoy shooting IMO

pcp are too clinical, you point, shoot and hit.

And there a pain when anything goes wrong.

im a gasram fan, i dont think you can beat the HW90



BBB, the 90........... 8) , swapped/sold mine last year :wallbash: Like you say about PCPs, they're "dead", just "click" and you think "did it go off?" :laugh: I've been lucky with repairs etc, never had one go wrong..............Al :gunsmilie:

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Guest jason1888

offcoures half n half if you want a nice clean kill then a pcp is the best option i think but fur mibi woodpigeon shiitong and feral shooting then thats when a springer comes into play

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Guest Scuba1

Just my 2 cents.

The law in the UK needs tobe changed to be able to use air rifles at what ever output they have. As an example: A mate of mine moved out to here and took his BSA Ultra over with him ( 12.4 ft/bls ) its in .22. I have a cheap GAMO springer and can take shots at rabbits at 50 odd yards to the " boiler room " and have an exit hole ancoring the rabbit to the spot, and have so far not found a pellet in a rabbit. Where as with the Ultra I have to get a head shot in or they would run ( one or two did ) of. In the GAMO I use steel tipped pellets that the Ultra spits out in a golf ball trajectory. Not usable at all in that gun. However,the Ultra does group better with the pellets it likes






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  Scuba1 said:
Just my 2 cents.

The law in the UK needs tobe changed to be able to use air rifles at what ever output they have. As an example: A mate of mine moved out to here and took his BSA Ultra over with him ( 12.4 ft/bls ) its in .22. I have a cheap GAMO springer and can take shots at rabbits at 50 odd yards to the " boiler room " and have an exit hole ancoring the rabbit to the spot, and have so far not found a pellet in a rabbit. Where as with the Ultra I have to get a head shot in or they would run ( one or two did ) of. In the GAMO I use steel tipped pellets that the Ultra spits out in a golf ball trajectory. Not usable at all in that gun. However,the Ultra does group better with the pellets it likes






agreed mate, it should be changed, but this is the nanny state to beat them all.

i think it wont be long before we have to have some sort of licence for an air gun regardless of power output,

as im sure ,many airgun enthusiasts, and the police will know certain pellet/gun combinations will leave you using a gun that has a higher muzzel/impact level, if i used bisley magnums the initail power output goes up to just over 15ftlbs but with smk domed it stays below 12, so dumping the power restrictions and registering/licenceing airguns here might be the way forward, allowing us more freedom and thus improving the sport, but it might mess it up for some people as im sure our 'presious' goverment would make it as hard as humanly possible for an individual to gain a licence.

there will always be preferances between springer and pcp as there is with caliber choise, i like both for differand reasons and a change in the law would indeed allow me to further my enjoyment, for example weiharch hw80s are designed to be uprated to FA spec and i would like very much to do this to one myself, but im not allowed as yet.

the way things are in this country at the moment with all these silly little f**kers running around shooting at each other and thinking it makes them 'cool' we will more than likely end up with some more changes anyway, for the worse no doubt.

anywat this is all for another thread really so back to the original question

springers for a reliable back up rifle when hunting and pcps as a primary choise and for FT, both for fun and relaxation in the garden with my boy,family and friends

lee :aikido:

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  noddy and big ears said:
allright Al , here's my 2 bobs worth , i've just sold a bsa super ten but would never part with my hw80 , having said that i've got a webley raider single shot that spends more time in the house than the hw80 , so in short i prefer the springer :thumbs: .........hope your feeling better :yes:


Cheers N&B, brought my HW95K back from one of my shoots last night so that I have a light springer to keep my hand in while I recover.

Good to see the interest in this thread and I'm also glad to see that someone is aware of how different pellets will make your rifle illegal. Imagine having your rifle taken in for a power test, they use their pellets, not yours and the result would be...................... :icon_eek: :icon_eek:


Al :drink:

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  mad al said:
  noddy and big ears said:
allright Al , here's my 2 bobs worth , i've just sold a bsa super ten but would never part with my hw80 , having said that i've got a webley raider single shot that spends more time in the house than the hw80 , so in short i prefer the springer :thumbs: .........hope your feeling better :yes:


Cheers N&B, brought my HW95K back from one of my shoots last night so that I have a light springer to keep my hand in while I recover.

Good to see the interest in this thread and I'm also glad to see that someone is aware of how different pellets will make your rifle illegal. Imagine having your rifle taken in for a power test, they use their pellets, not yours and the result would be...................... :icon_eek: :icon_eek:


Al :drink:

the result would likely to be a criminal record for fire arms offences and no gun, you really have to be carefull as the police are now, apparently, using pile driver pellets, which weigh a hell of alot more that most others out there

for example .. using this .... http://extorian.co.uk/shooting/pellets.html ... and base my details on using bisley magnums pellets .177 @ 10.6g firing at 790ftsec i get a power reading of......14.69ft-lbs :icon_eek:

now piledrivers are 21g in .177 and 30g in .22 (most 22s are at appx 550-600ftsec) ........ you do the maths it aint good

which would undoubtably leave me with no rifle and a criminal record that would ensure future difficulties

the only way to help solve this problem is to take your firle to a gunsmith and have it crono'ed using your choise of pellet and then reset to suit ( and do this at least quarterly) , also get a print out of the results and keep it in you gun bag wallet or somewhere easyily reachable as the police will not try to argue with a gunsmith on this as it will just leave them in a bit of both getting a conviction. its the only way i can think of that will help us keep our guns

my brother had a ratcatcher taken from him after the police tested it and there was no way he could stop them he even had a letter from the manufacturer stating that the power was set at the factory to a leagel level, didnt make a blind bit of differance ... the only people who can stop this are gunsmiths as the are the people with the facilities and knowlage to make sure the rifle you use and the pellets you fire dont go ott...BUT you must ensure you only have the pellets that the gun was set/tested with as if they are differant the power will and saying i'i didnt realize' in a court will not make matters better only worse

i hope this helps to elighten people who wernt aware of this problem, i wasnt and have a pellet pouch full of magnums as a result, but untill i have move i wont be using them as i dont have the money to get the gun smith to sort the settings on my rifle yet so ill stick with a lighter pellet for now

lee =@

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  half n said:
but surely clinical is good when you're shooting live quarry,keeping suffering down to a minimum as we should always strive to do.


That's what has led me to getting a PCP. Until now I've used a V-Mach tuned .22 Longbow but I now have a .177 S400 with wich I am more consistently accurate

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  spike said:
  half n said:
but surely clinical is good when you're shooting live quarry,keeping suffering down to a minimum as we should always strive to do.


That's what has led me to getting a PCP. Until now I've used a V-Mach tuned .22 Longbow but I now have a .177 S400 with wich I am more consistently accurate



Longbow B) ..............Al :drink:

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