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Red The Coursing Saluki

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His sire Shearer-Deacon x Foxy     His Dam, Rose - Cruise of Shilden x Seagull   Red with his litter mates as a puppy   So off two pure Salukis from different strains back to Seagull an

seen red run in tight fields in kent, same result as when he ran the big land of Cambridge n Lincolnshire dead hares, seen red run Essex Norfolk sufolk same result dead hares. seen red kill hares up u

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the dvd was made for personal and friends only, but some one put red across there bitch and they was given a copy of the dvd. some clips ended up on you tube under the name of red the coursing saluki, I contacted the mush on you tube and told him that red was not a pure.he then asked me for permission to make a proper dvd, I said ok but call it the red dog and in return he sent me a load of copys to sell but i gave them all away for nothing. he also advertised red for stud on the back and the phone went mad people were phoning from all over the uk, most of them just wanted to talk about red and coursing. because we only had one dog we used to run land were hares were thin on the ground, so you had to work hard to find hares so we could make a day of it, so if we found a hare it did not matter were it was lying it would get run. yours chilled crazyhorse

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