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Anyone For A Tuna Sandwich?

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Bet there's bigger still out there. Plus a fish that size is going to be old and would have eventually fell foul to a bigger predator. Large specimen like that get caught all the time in other species and nobody moans. Fair play i say.

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Oh to catch that they are an amazing fish rod and line caught fish is not the problem she caught it its hers to keep stuff eat what ever she likes As for she could not sell it big does not mean quality. The tuna is graded on meat density it might have only fetched half that when sold at market. Good on her. , as for stuffing it easy they will take measurements freeze it then when they have made a form skin and cure and mount it what i can not understand specimen game fish edible all the had to do was photograph it take measurements weigh it then have a fibreglass replica made. And sold the meat !!!!!!!

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