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So after putting 200 ish pellets through my new hw100kt .22 I got it zerod pellet on pellet as was groupin within a 2p. Iv then such realised after wounding 4 rabbits out of 8 so it was 4 kills in 8 I am positive my gun isn't firing even anywhere close to 11 ft lb. anybody got a rough idea on how many pellets I should put through it to work it in and if I wrk it in will it increase my pressure / ft lb or do I have to try tuning it or send it back to hc. Really wat this rifle sorted as it's very accurate it just needs todo enough Danae to kill the quarry.

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you have this going on two threads............................if you are hitting thing at a range then your gun is probably ok if your gun is shooting a bullseye at 10 yards an inch high at 20 yards and a bullseye at 30 yards then an inch low at 40 yards with aa field then you gun is probably fine .These measurements are about to give you the idea .

Edited by barrywhite
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I ain't shooting any quarry atm, not going to until i put another 500-100 pellets through the barrell. Afew people have been saying that weihrauchs are heavy on the grease and that it will give more air pressure/ ft lb after a few tins of pellets as the barrel is run in/ broke in... i'm just going by a few peoples mentions. MY opinion was that the guns were ready to shoot out of the box as that's what a few videos and reviews gave out however after wounding afew rabbits im not so sure so will not be shooting anything until i get it chronod, and run in. Anybody agree with the greasing etc. and that u need to put 1000 pellets through it before it gives more power...?

Edited by MickHowes
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