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Lost 25 Bar Overnight...

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temperature can also affect the bar .If you filled gun quickly and in a hot room then placed the gun in a cold place this could affect the bar reading .If your gun is a hw 100 and it is leaking the o ring between the air cylinder and the action is a good first suspect .

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Probably did pump it too fast. my brother (gymLAD) seen me pumping mine up and said come on I could do that in 10 seconds. but I like to take my time.


pull up. hold for a second or too. push down. hold for a second or 2. rinse and repeat. you will see if you watch the needle it will fly up and then after a second or 2 drop back down slightly. if your pumping too fast you lose more air/pressure than you think and when the riffle cools down you will notice a difference

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VERY!!! The bags can trap moisture, I did it with my 97 and the pellet port rusted in 2 weeks!! It needs to be out of the bag, in a cupboard or somewhere the air can circulate. NEVER leave it in the bag.....

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