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Hello bud, this is a hotly contested topic that has been debated many times, most people have an opinion. My self i have always used .22. the reason being its stopping power, upon impact the pellet does a lot of damage and with a head shot you very rarely get a kicker. that being said, i have just switched to 177 because of its flatter trajectory meaning less adjustments for distances. i have been shooting with Daz39 on here a couple of times and saw that his 177 HW100 can stop a rabbit no bother, without even a kick. IMO a 177's flight gives it an advantage in a sub 12ft/lb rifle.

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I use both because have I different guns .Some guns I got cheap , some I wanted a gun type that I could only get in 22 ,some I inherited ,and some I was given .Though both calibers work 177 is the best cal at 12 ft lbs I believe from my time shooting .If I am shooting at close range I dont care what cal but long range 177 .

Edited by barrywhite
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Just got myself a new .22 today,went into the shop wanting to try 177 for the first time but when it came to handing hard cash i couldnt bring myself to go 177.

Its just down to stopping power for me,yes you have to learn about trajectory,distances etc but if you cant be arsed with that kind of stuff then go get a shot gun.

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Either calibre mate, shot in the head means dead. The 177 cal is by far the easiest to master because of the much flatter trajectory, the .22 is just as accurate once mastered and hits like a hammer.

I use both calibres the only difference being milldot knowledge and the whack. So my humble verdict is .22 in open areas, 177 in woodland areas to thread the pellet through spindle like branches , and night time shooting . The 177 is a lot easier to use at night when you are trying to judge distance.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well my s410 is smacking spinners at 25 yards and 30 yards can see the loop of the pellet but never really shot .177

I have took a few pigeons and drop them no problem not sure if the .177 feels the same

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