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Added Bull/staff Blood

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here's a train of thought to peruse over. at the end of the 18th and into the 19th century, if we are to believe the history books, certain sporting types began crossing the heavy bodied bulldogs of t

what are the E.B.T.cross terrier's like when it comes to reproducing? I know when they were crossed into a.p.b.t. and staffords they produced some animals that were more than capable of the task for w

a edited version of the F.Buck interview published on the net in the USA Frank Buck’s first terrier came to him from his father, a gypsy who had kept his own type of terrier for many years – a line

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That is not the type of terrier being discussed with an obvious Bull influence.

That is a wire /rough coated Fell terrier, same root stock as the Lakeland and Border.


These dogs are around today, there is no indication of bull in this terrier.


The post is about Bull influence in terrier lines (EBT, PIt, or Staff).


Not sure what this photo adds to the post? Breay was dead when the staff was added to make the Patterdale IMO.


You would have to show a photo of Breay or Buck with a terrier with bull influence to prove that they added it to the line.

Showing anyone with THAT TERRIER TYPE on the end of the lead shows that they had NOT (Yet).

attachicon.gifStaff type head 01.jpg

i made the post because you seem to be dismissing the blood lines that many of us have terriers bred down from as fictitious, and that these bloodline came from dogs bred since the 70-80s and that the black/brown strong terriers now called patterdales are bull crosses, as i have stated the lines with bull blood added are fairly well documented, but not all lines have this blood, although you have made some sweeping statements implying that these bloodlines are all bullshit i've bred a few with heavy heads and jaws but there is no staff in them just a few of your quotes


I think everyone with eyes in their head now knows that the black terriers were created with small Staff blood


It is a pity that the true history of these black dogs (and white dogs) will not be told


"That it is nearly impossible to see a photo of anyone before 1960 with these bully headed black smooth working dogs.

If they were as popular as some make out it should be easy to dig out a lot of evidence before 1960 with this type.

1950, 1940 etc....

"We must not forget the even more historic (1980) chocolate strain (smooth tight coats with bully heads).

These are decended from very old water spaniel dogs"

Edited by Glyn.....
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Glyn, I honestly think the true history of those black dogs will never be told.... Not now anyways.... :no:


HM, yep, seen that Bradleys Rip, if thats not out of bull stock i'll show me arse in Lewis's window!! :rolleyes::laugh:


Some Borders of about the same time...


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Glyn, I honestly think the true history of those black dogs will never be told.... Not now anyways.... :no:


HM, yep, seen that Bradleys Rip, if thats not out of bull stock i'll show me arse in Lewis's window!! :rolleyes::laugh:

your probably right but to say they are all cross up bull blood isn't right :)

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