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Jack Russels Or Parson

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We are finally in a position to get a dog, are all set up and ready to go!


The dog will be mostley used fro bushing, ratting, rabbiting and beating - Will also be a family pet.


A friend has a litter of Jack Russels and a litter of parsons - Both litters bred from working dogs - I ve been given the choice between.


What are the main differences and which would you go for?


Thanks NP


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ive had both well bred parson and well bred russell. they ARE the same animal. no difference whatso ever. good and bad in both.you just need to do your homework incase both litters are from poor sto

Jack Russell and parsons are the same thing

I'd go else where. Any man who's into bushing and has two litters on the ground at once is a peddler IMO. You'd probably get a better choice in your local dogs home. Should be just as good.

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In my experience I would rather have a jack russell for work. But 1 of the best bushing dogs I ever seen was a parson russell whether he was a 1 off or not I don't no but he loved hunting cover. Have seen good jack russells in cover to so it probably luck of the draw. atb

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In my experience I would rather have a jack russell for work. But 1 of the best bushing dogs I ever seen was a parson russell whether he was a 1 off or not I don't no but he loved hunting cover. Have seen good jack russells in cover to so it probably luck of the draw. atb

. Lol lol
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We are finally in a position to get a dog, are all set up and ready to go!


The dog will be mostley used fro bushing, ratting, rabbiting and beating - Will also be a family pet.


A friend has a litter of Jack Russels and a litter of parsons - Both litters bred from working dogs - I ve been given the choice between.


What are the main differences and which would you go for?


Thanks NP



at a guess id say the best person to help you out and answer the questions you have will be your friend.. he bred them so just find out what way both sets of parents work and possibly go out with the sires and watch them do what they do..... wrong time of year to dig them but if they dont work to ground then you will see exactly what they do and dont do.......

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We are finally in a position to get a dog, are all set up and ready to go!


The dog will be mostley used fro bushing, ratting, rabbiting and beating - Will also be a family pet.


A friend has a litter of Jack Russels and a litter of parsons - Both litters bred from working dogs - I ve been given the choice between.


What are the main differences and which would you go for?


Thanks NP


. BEDDY WHIPPET bush bolt catch , ratter AND loyal as they cime not saying any other terrier wont but you have just described the BW
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In theory, they 'should' be the same dog... They are ALL Jack Russell Terriers BUT some money spinning tit, decided to call some Parson Russell's and line his pockets off 'em....

So, your choices are... Money or work.....????? :yes::laugh:

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the only difference is usualy the price tag ask your friend what he would recommend he breed them so should know what each is capable of and as for names lets just call them white bodied terriers because that is what they are

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Where I come from a Parson type Russell is just a taller straight legged type of Russell.Nothing to do with shows or money or rather it shouldn't be.I think it stems from the type that Parson JR tried to breed to, something about 14 inches high and 14 pound in weight.

The only thing that should sway your judgement is to see the parents work and choose what type you prefer.

Edited by Moorman 1
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