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Scottish Wild Cat

Guest ocs1867

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A Rotty killing a full grown Cougar :no:

Lets think about this rationally, a Mountain lion has got bigger teeth than a Rotty, with at least as much biting power (if not more).

Add the big cats claws and athletesism compared to the large but cumbersome dog. There is only one winner for me.

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does anybody on here actually hunt their dogs or do you all just come on here to slag people of,the boy only asked would a dog do one,he never said he ran one or caught one or ever had the intension

oh dear   somone asks a bit of a silly question and instead of the wiser members of this site pointing out his mistake in a decent way they chose to slate him for what he has asked,in the process p

oh dear


somone asks a bit of a silly question and instead of the wiser members of this site pointing out his mistake in a decent way they chose to slate him for what he has asked,in the process pointing out that a scot wildcat is a fearsome beast of an animal with huge teeth massive claws and red eyes wich will tear a dog limb from limb the eat its remains :whistling:


well it then turns out that the same scotish wild cat is in fact not that much (ok a bit) bigger that a big domestic tom cat so the people who at first made it out to be a small lion now look as silly as they tried to make the fella that asked the original question feel :doh:


what goes around comes around :clapper::clapper:

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