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Aye, its amazing what can be achieved with the right kit!


Keepdiggin - To be honest mate, I don't really have the inclination to bother the rabbits there, it's only a small place, and i've got the ferreting all around it for a few miles, so I think they can have my bit to breed on, and hopefully spread out into the surrounding warrens :thumbs: To be fair, I like watching them messing about in the sun. :yes:

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As I've mentioned before, I've been keeping pigs on a bit of land near me for a couple of years, it's about three acres or so in size, and for the most part is a jungle of bramble, with a few trees an

The first occupants . . .        

Aye, the good news is that after a bit of a paddy, I've sat myself down and i'm pretty sure I can think my way around it.   We're building a barn after all . . . .   I'll stop being a fanny now

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  On 19/04/2014 at 22:15, Ideation said:

Been doing a bit more work the last couple of days. Did some more fencing yesterday, and let the growers onto some new ground, as their patch was pretty bare (they are separated from the rest), they were happy as larry, and it should do them until they go off at the start of June.






Also sold two weaners yesterday, so that was a good feeling, and a bit of fun loading and delivering two pigs.


Then today, a friend came to play with his toys, and a lot happened really quick.






He pulled apart the huge rubbish pile, and we separated the stuff to burn and the scrap and then pushed the rest down a banking and crushed it into a track, then scraped out a wider access track from the road and used the soil as in fill.












Tidied up and scraped off the yard area.





Then scraped off a banking where the fruit trees will go, ripping out a load of bramble and scrubby bushes.






Then we made an access road into where the barn will go. Levelled out the ground and chamfered the bank.






And did a bit more fencing a long the way.




Lots of help from Johnnyboy and the mrs, legends as always!


Next step is the barn!




Oh and this photo gives you a better idea where the saddle backs are fenced in, and how much ground they have, i'm stood one end (where their ark is) which is where they hang out a lot, and hence it looks so rough, and if you look, you can see the area round the trees is fenced in and off into the distance. :thumbs:




Edited to add - if you look close in the first photo you can see a wee rabbit admiring my fence.


crackin job that. :thumbs:


see theres a wee bunny in the first pic.

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Before you go ahead with the barn mate you might want to consult local planning office .I know a lad that went ahead without, now they are enforcing demolition .The drawback with all planning issues is that you are then on the radar and that water may cease to flow .If you are into it for the long term then my advice would be to go through proper channels as it can all end badly and the dream smashed overnight .Good luck though mate.

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  On 21/04/2014 at 10:35, foxdropper said:

Before you go ahead with the barn mate you might want to consult local planning office .I know a lad that went ahead without, now they are enforcing demolition .The drawback with all planning issues is that you are then on the radar and that water may cease to flow .If you are into it for the long term then my advice would be to go through proper channels as it can all end badly and the dream smashed overnight .Good luck though mate.

A open sided pole barn dosen't need any regs (usually). Though its always best to consult the local authoritys first, building the barn shouldn't be a problem as we're just replacing an existing structure plus theres no foundation's etc. :thumbs:

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Yes, I have enquired (through a third party) and apparently as it's a pole barn and has no permanent foundations, it is classed as a temporary structure. Also, as JB said, because it's being put on the same footprint as an old barn that we just demolished, and being built more sympathetically . . . . . in the worlds of the planners - we're all good!

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Yer, it was in my mind matey :thumbs: Luckily i've had a chance to get well versed in local planning shit, as a mate recently built a huge timber framed barn in his 43 acre woodland. . . . after a marathon planning battle. . . . .

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Aye, it's going ok :thumbs: Had a fair fire yesterday and burnt a lot of the scrap wood we pulled out of the rubbish before we buried it, a few doors etc lol.


JB is a grand help, you can't beat the experience of age :victory::tongue2: Hopefully when this rain stops again, we can crack on with the barn.


Also waiting on two more pigs going off to new homes on the weekend, and then there will be a couple more coming in.


Plans for this week also include building a run for some geese, grassing a banking and more fencing (surprise surprise).


The mrs has also spotted a good 'treehouse tree' so wants me to come up with something for that :hmm:

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Good topic ideation I keep pigs to on me dads small holding and grow veg back at my house its hard work but I love it we started with the pigs 2years ago was given two glouster old spots snd we payed a tenner for a gloster xwiled boar well that's what I think he is we've slaughtered our first about two months ago and the meat was spot on may be a little fatty but flouvour was unreal in joints and sausage we get alot of wast from farm shops and a small supermarket who is happy for us to take wast veg bread milk fruit juice cakes ect and any meat we get from them goes to the dogs

Getting our pig food this way keeps cost right down and they not getting feed just pellets

The butcher who cut them up for us commented he aint seems pigs liver like it in ages

If you are taking to slaughter you will need a slap number which is different to heard number this caught us out at first and put our slaughter date back a month which probly accounted for the extra fat

Anyway mate good luck with it and keep us posted ;)

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Aye our first lot were old spots, bit fatty like you say but nice dark meat. Best I've had were saddleback x white, good carcass size, nice taste not too much fat and still docile. I'm hoping to put the saddle back in sow to a pie train which is a double muscled Belgium breed. Hopefully produce some good pigs for meat. That's the plan anyway!


Usually I put metal slaughter tags in their ears. They go at about six months. I've got some going June, July and August this year. Mostly as half pigs and sausages for sale privately and to the local pub.

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Yer I need to sell more, I'm just crap at that side of things, so I've put the mrs in charge of it. Not 100% sure on weights, it varies with breeds, but around 65 kilos, or around there.

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