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As I've mentioned before, I've been keeping pigs on a bit of land near me for a couple of years, it's about three acres or so in size, and for the most part is a jungle of bramble, with a few trees an

The first occupants . . .        

Aye, the good news is that after a bit of a paddy, I've sat myself down and i'm pretty sure I can think my way around it.   We're building a barn after all . . . .   I'll stop being a fanny now

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Just read this from start to finish an WOW youve done a top job jai, it would be a dream come true if i could achieve anything like this,


Keep up the good work an keep posting updates will be following this regularly ?????

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  • 2 months later...

Still doing well I see mate had 4 of my pigs go in 3 weeks back and came back. Spot on the flavour is unbelievable and texture and fat was bang on too

Had 2 jointed 1 sausaged up and one cured and smoked for gammon ham and bacon freezer is full ;)

All feed with veg fruit bread cakes chocolate they eat better then most humans all local farm shop / small supermarket waist

Any pellets I feed are no GM poison that commercial pigs are feed

Keep at it ideation good topic ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just seen this, some of the smaller ones are Easycares, most of the rest are another shedding hybrid. There are about 50 here now. Half are docked, the other half not. And yep i'll be docking mine. Hopefully everything is in lamb. Some to a maternal tup (the big white one) and others to the two tup lambs you pointed out, Charmoise. Will be scanning the ewes next week.

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Probably should do a bit of an update sometime. I've rationalised things a bit.


We have a barn down the field. The two saddleback sows are living back outside now the weather is picking up, and we have 11 growers from the last litter, all about 50-60 kilo now, in a paddock with access to the barn.


We've got a selection of poultry in one run.


But the sheep have become the main focus. I've ended up with about 50 acres of year round grazing and another 20 of winter keep, with more looking likely. This year we are lambing forty odd outside in April. Fingers crossed it goes ok, and hopefully we will increase flock size to about eighty for next year, and who knows after that. It's better economics and less time consuming day to day than the pigs.


And yes, it very nearly sickened me at the start!

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