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Best Pellets For Rabbiting?

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Fairly new to rabbiting, been target shooting for a while and now having my hw100kt 22 coming Tuesday I'll be starting rabbiting, pellets I was using were air arms field but I'm just wondering which pellets everybody thinks are the best for rabbiting, any help is appreciated, cheers

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try falcon accuracy + or similar [jsb express or jsb rs ???]..defiant the light ones ,light pellets loose a little power from a pcp but are very fast I will use a light pellet like accuracy + from pcp and defiant from springer I dont like defiant from pcp but there are lots of sizes I have never experimented that much but some people love them out of pcps.

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You will have to find the most accurate pellet for your gun ,all though HW100 in.22 don't seem to be pellet fussy . Try falcon accuracy plus 13.4gr ,Daystate Li 14.4gr to very good light pellets,these are the 2 I use in mine ,I have shot rabbits out to 55 yards with fap

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You will have to find the most accurate pellet for your gun ,all though HW100 in.22 don't seem to be pellet fussy . Try falcon accuracy plus 13.4gr ,Daystate Li 14.4gr to very good light pellets,these are the 2 I use in mine ,I have shot rabbits out to 55 yards with fap

Daystate Lis are expensive Crosman Premier Ultra Magnums, which is the pellet I use in my .22 pcp rifles (which includes an HW100 KT)

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I use jsb exact in my hw100kt in 5.52mm

second choice in the accuracy test I did were the AA fields.


Li's and accupells were mediocre and so were superdomes


Bisley magnum were ok but I mainly use them for chronoing.


Super FIELD looked like a shotgun had hit the target ( and same in my hw97, I might have a dodgy tin??)


anyways JSB exacts and AA fields are a good staring place in any rifle IMO


power of each pellet will be slightly different but all will do the job from a 10-11.9 ftlb muzzle velocity rifle out to 60 yards as long as you can place the pellet in the right spot ... hence the need for accuracy over power.


hope this helps mate

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Cheers Lads, now decided to get get a few tins, AA Fields, JSB Exacts and Maybe a tin of Superfields or Possibly try get a tin of the crosmans stated above, Will Make a post of my Rifle and what results i get When im comfortable:)

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