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Problem Dog Needs Solving

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Have tried walking her on a side next to me yeah mate she just pulls constantly to get at the dog still and screams her head off. I'm going to make sure I've got some battery left in my phone and get a video. Thanks though I'm open to ideas, hopefully the video will show her behaviour and someone can say what they think it is n the best steps. Papers show she's had 2 homes before me and I know 100% she's had a litter. I feel sorry for her and wouldn't just pass her on because trust me I dought others would have as much patience. No idea how they managed to get her near another dog to be bred or are they more calm when on season as its natural? Never owned a bitch before or bred a dog so wouldn't have a clue.

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Cull it, the same as your staffy.     pernod

I reckon it's the lead, buy it a bag with a wee hole for its head to pop out and it'll stop it..

And here's me finaly thinking this guy dare is a bit of a good Cnut....         An then you go and get yaself a frenchie with a bad attitude lol     All your hard earned internet rep has just

mate of mine had a whippet that from what your describing had similar issues, it screamed like a banshee on the lead in what seemed like an effort to get at other dogs . When it was actually let off the lead with the other dogs we had out at the time it half heartedly got into them but this diminished over time , especially when it realised what it was out and off the lead to do. So I would say keep letting it off the lead in a controlled environment muzzled etc until it gets board or enter it for a bit of bushing!!!!. atb

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