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major police purge

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other countries must be laughing their heads off at us !!! :icon_redface: most police forces have to focus on murder,rape,robbery an drug misuse..what do the brits do??? lets persecute the lads with dogs for chasin a few rabbits or hares around a field...what a waste of time and money..be interesting to see the crime stats for that area that day when all the police were siiting around in their vans in the countryside twiddiling their thumbs..how many police were on duty???problably ALL ON OVERTIME,customs people ALL ON OVERTIME,eye in the sky do gooders..who paid for their fuel????what a complete waste of money!!!!! no wonder the goverment are tryin to hammer you any way they can for money when they're throwing it away like this !!!!! :wankerzo4: :wallbash:

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Roe deer are "famously frozen" :wacko: :wacko: Waste of money, how about more time spent on serious crime........We have such serious crimes this country and we waste huge amounts of money of this, gypsy curses, butchered deer and hares slung on hedges....................jackanory time people..................

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I think it frighting That the police will go to these limits and the RSPCA It gives them the lime light and makes them look good antis love it.. Spreading the propaganda Gullible town folk believe all what is written as for farmers it makes them not give anyone permission..


I have got some good permission and am always looking for more they way this country's going in ten years time you wont be allowed to ferret..


ITS Terrible :doh:

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