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The Game Conservancy Trust was talking about importing them direct from NZ and being sole supplier in the UK, as far as I know this has not happened as I have not seen any for sale here


You might have to do what I did and go in person to the factory in NZ and get them yourself, LOL!



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  • 2 weeks later...

You can definetly buy them because I bought one a couple of years ago and have it, I'm pretty sure it was bought via the GWCT and it came already installed in the wooden tunnel.

In Scotland the Spring traps approval order (2011) states that the DOC traps must be set in an artifical tunnel built to the DOC specifications set out in their published trap use instructions, The English STAO (2012) also says traps must be used in a tunnel built to DOC's specifications, so in theory there's nowt to prevent you buying the loose traps and building your own tunnels, however they are expensive even without a tunnel and having the one tunnel design is perhaps too restrictive for some...

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The DOC trap will not work without being in the tunnel box - it effectively is part of the trap. You cannot take a DOC and put it into a brick tunnel for example as you need the box to set it easily and to guide the target into the trap, hence the restriction on the STAO. Anyone who has handled the trap and understands its operation will understand why.


I am doing some work with NE to define the use of tunnels within the statute so we have a directive once and for all, watch this space



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I am doing some work with NE to define the use of tunnels within the statute so we have a directive once and for all .....


Ye meaning, by that, that ye going to present a clear cut definition of what, legally, constitutes a " Suitable Tunnel or Cover " sort of thing, mate?


No more of this bending a blade of grass over it. Or having to argue whether an entire f**king roof space can be considered a " Suitable Cover " for a Mk VI set to squirrel?


That would certainly be a giant progression :yes:

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Yes that is all part of the discussion I am having with them at present Pete


Since they are the protectors of the statute and it would be them that enforced any prosecution I would imagine, so I value their interpretation of the law and its idiosyncrasies


And hopefully it should serve to answer the perpetual questions ... once and for all ;)

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:clapper: F**king Excellent, mate! That'd be a whole shit load of weight off many peoples shoulders. Not having that constant, nagging possibility hanging over them.


At least, the proper guys.


The wankers out there will just carry on regardless, of course. And be PM'd, on here, to amend their posts to say of course the trap had been covered. They'd just removed that, leaving absolutely no trace, for the purposes of the photo :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Stop being negative pro-trapper.....I'm hoping that a DOC trap will elevate my status so I too can walk around with my trousers tucked into my boots.. :laugh::tongue2:


Doc traps :laugh::laugh::laugh: Get a grip..


One word ....Messer... :laugh:

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