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I'm A Bold Blooded Killer ....!

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Epic F**king Fail!!!


Just took my Dogs for their walk. As is customary, on the way back I let them off their leads so they can mooch about a bit and explore shit.


They tend to like going down onto the little, middle field and round the cattle crush. I don't know why. They just like it there. Today was no exception.


What was exceptional though was the yellow peril sniffing hard at a pile of brash. Then he pounced!


Surprisingly, I was pretty unconcerned that he'd finally caught one of the pheasants round here. I'd really rather he hadn't. But, I wasn't going to break my heart over it.


Then, Pesticle stuck her face in and unleashed hell!!! Because, I first registered the big ball of indeterminate fur. Then I clocked the unmistakable f**king Black and White face coming out of it!!! :icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek:


Somehow, " I shit my f**king self " just doesn't cut it! I managed to drag The Pesticle the f**k out of there. I don't even remember what happened to the yellow Dog. Just blood on his nose.


Dragged them all off home and grabbed my shotgun. Loaded with Buck. I was about to go hunting bear!


Raced back up there, twelve bore. Hay fork. Flash light. Pull the brash apart. Expose that head and blow it off. This f**ker was a danger to my Dogs!


Dug about a bit with the fork and there he was! Clearly in view. Four foot away. Actually not much bigger than a pet type terrier.


And the little f**ker was visibly shaking like a leaf. No where to go. So it dug its little snout into the ground and trembled. FFS.


I got the gun and sighted its head down the barrel. Slipped the safety off and just crouched there. Watching this terrified little thing watching me watching it. Waiting.


F**k it. F**k That! I haven't got the mental age of a sixteen year old any more. I don't need to just kill every f**king thing. I accept the size of my dick. Firing wouldn't have made it any bigger.


So, I put the gun down. Wiggled the rake handle in its face, to show it this was a Bad place to be. And it better not f**king be there tomorrow. Grunted. And came home.


Okay. So I'm Not a Cold Blooded Killer. I can live with that.




Oh; And here's the obligatory photo.



" Pesticle; Worked and Blooded to Badger "


FFS ..... Yeah. That's it. Over her right eye. Hardly needed me to go all Michael Corleone over it, did it?

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