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Purpose Bred Rabbit Dogs

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Thro the winter I have been taken my cousin 14 years old out with the dogs had some good days to, he seems to have a real bug for it and doesn't mind getting his hands dirty.

Anyway he asked me if I could source a small type lurcher for him so I made sure he was aloud a dog of this type as they currently have a st Bernard and and old staffy.


So for a few month I have had my eyes open for a good little pup to suit his needs, anyway a was approached by some one with a beddy whippet bitch wanting to use my dog over there's I was unsure about it at first but one I asked how it was bred who bred her etc it turns out that a friend of myn bred her out of his bitch which I had seen work and she was a very good bitch, I had also seen the sire work and he was a decent dog by all accounts and had some real pace about him so anyway I had agreed to mate my dog to his bitch which ultimately will hopefully produce some decent rabbit dogs as it's been decent workers as far back as I can trace.


The mateing happened almost 4 weeks ago and when I told my cousin that I had mated my dog he asked if he could have a pup if there were any left, he was even more excited when I told him that he could have pick of the litter so now I'm getting txt after txt with dogs names, should he chose a dog or bitch rough or smooth colour etc.

So hopefully the bitch is in pup and another keen lad getting into field sports

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my take on this his this good on ya fella , getting a youngster keen and at it ,can only be a good thing .FOLK WORRYING TO MUCH OVA VERY LITTLE a dont get ,good luck hope the bitch has took .atb bunn

my rabbit bitch dont no if she was bred just for that but in my eyes that what she shines at

He's saluki collie grey x beddy whippet 21tts and bitch is about 29 tts

unless ive read this wrong , your dog 21in ,the bitch (beddyxwhippet) 29 in for a beddyx whippet ? and the lad only 14 , I would deff see what his mom+dad say 1st about it all , as young people can get fed up with dogs as soon as things start to go wrong, and they do mate at the beginning :yes:

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Sorry I meant 19tts and I genuinely think he will stay at it as him and his mate go out and use a Springer to bush about for rabbits, they dont have anything to catch them but hey atleast there out having a good time and a good little hunt,

I will also be taking him out mooching,? lamping, ferreting etc so he will have plenty chance to get out.


I was 12-13 when I got my first lurcher and at the time didn't know anyone who kept lurchers so I was out by myself and realy enjoyed it.

For a young lad my cousin seems to have his head screwed on and knows what he wants

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Mine has had 3 seasons and I'm not sure about the bitch, come to think of it I never asked the age if the bitch I only asked about how it works etc and asked a few reliable people who had seen it work what they thought about it and had positive feed back but I should have asked age,cheers lads I know that 4-5 are spoken for before the mateing and I know where 3 of them will be going so I will be able to see the pups develop and the owner of the dam seemed genuine and want working homes fir any spare pups and don't want to line there pockets so hopefully they get worked to there fully potential,


Also the bitch is from the best line of beddy lurchers I have seen imo and I have seen more beddy xs work than any other x they are not the best looking line iv seen but looks don't kill as the saying goes, I have done my homework on the dogs and I personaly think that this mateing will produce what is needed ie the bitch needed more top end speed which my dog can offer as well as a feet and the bitch offers a decent coat.

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Mine has had 3 seasons and I'm not sure about the bitch, come to think of it I never asked the age if the bitch I only asked about how it works etc and asked a few reliable people who had seen it work what they thought about it and had positive feed back but I should have asked age,cheers lads I know that 4-5 are spoken for before the mateing and I know where 3 of them will be going so I will be able to see the pups develop and the owner of the dam seemed genuine and want working homes fir any spare pups and don't want to line there pockets so hopefully they get worked to there fully potential,


Also the bitch is from the best line of beddy lurchers I have seen imo and I have seen more beddy xs work than any other x they are not the best looking line iv seen but looks don't kill as the saying goes, I have done my homework on the dogs and I personaly think that this mateing will produce what is needed ie the bitch needed more top end speed which my dog can offer as well as a feet and the bitch offers a decent coat.


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