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That's hard work big lad so fair play, respite I would imagine is very difficult.   I know from my contact with schools that most of us can't even imagine the home lives some poor kids are enduring

Thanks for all your replys busy finishing a job so can't reply all the time should have waited so I can have more of an input( sake) , we've had the 3 day introduction and two other classes the paper

Me and the missus have been talking seriously about this and once the youngest has gone to uni in about 18 months time we will be looking more deeply into it ... My missus prefers to adopt 3 to 10 yea

we are in the process of trying to foster our grandchild who we have practically reared any way the social workers put him in care because his mother is an alcoholic and never gave us a second thought the social services in this country are twisted c**ts the child needed too be put in care put it should of been our care we adore him and miss him so much so ive a conviction for assault but ive told them straight out about it so fingers crossed we get him back but in the meantime he is with a very nice fostering family so we know he is safe fair play too you and your mrs haymin hope ye are successfull

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you,,ll be surprised how many adoptions break down....you want to foster!!!!!!! start short term,,,,,,,,,and after a while,,IF its for you,,,,and a big IF.. up it..me and the mr's were short term..still ended up with some for years...and as for what age group,,that'll soon go out the window.. oh,,and be prepared to give up ya beds when the police bring you a family in the early hours.. lol..yep,, its all good fun........

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we are in the process of trying to foster our grandchild who we have practically reared any way the social workers put him in care because his mother is an alcoholic and never gave us a second thought the social services in this country are twisted c**ts the child needed too be put in care put it should of been our care we adore him and miss him so much so ive a conviction for assault but ive told them straight out about it so fingers crossed we get him back but in the meantime he is with a very nice fostering family so we know he is safe fair play too you and your mrs haymin hope ye are successfull

all the best with the proses it'll all come right for you and yours ?
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you,,ll be surprised how many adoptions break down....you want to foster!!!!!!! start short term,,,,,,,,,and after a while,,IF its for you,,,,and a big IF.. up it..me and the mr's were short term..still ended up with some for years...and as for what age group,,that'll soon go out the window.. oh,,and be prepared to give up ya beds when the police bring you a family in the early hours.. lol..yep,, its all good fun........

?I'm sure they did say short term is not short term ?
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I know Jim ain't doing it for the money, it's cos he's a Jaffa :laugh: only kidden big boy :tongue2:


Thanks for the explanation, I understand now :thumbs:

Jaffa f**k nose what that is but ill laugh anyway lol ??
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I know Jim ain't doing it for the money, it's cos he's a Jaffa :laugh: only kidden big boy :tongue2:

Thanks for the explanation, I understand now :thumbs:

Jaffa f**k nose what that is but ill laugh anyway lol

It means your firing blanks!! :laugh:


It will be reared on clootie and smokies and I'm f****d if I know what language they'll speak, :laugh:

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Nice one Jim, really hope it goes well for you mate,

Judging on the weekend away, they'll lead a fun interesting life with you, and that's what they'll be craving I'm sure mate.



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I know Jim ain't doing it for the money, it's cos he's a Jaffa :laugh: only kidden big boy :tongue2:

Thanks for the explanation, I understand now :thumbs:

Jaffa f**k nose what that is but ill laugh anyway lol
It means your firing blanks!! :laugh:


It will be reared on clootie and smokies and I'm f****d if I know what language they'll speak, :laugh:

the cheeky b*****d 100 pound to ban the duck f**k lol they've been a checked just ka be bathered riding after a hard days graft lol . They'll speak fluant eggy language that's for sure lol ?
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Best advice i can give is try to treat them as your own,but don't overwhelm them be patient they will only open up once genuine trust is gained If you take siblings try to keep them together as each will be a "Comfort zone" for the other which is VERY important.

If they are of age and if possible, Blank canvas their bedroom and let them help choose Colour of Paint/Curtains/Beds and Bedding as this will give them a feeling of belonging and will see it as THEIR room and not A room it will also occupy their minds and keeping an "Occupied" mind can in many cases ease the trauma of the first few days/Weeks of the move.


Good luck mate if you would like any more info please pm me





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