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Thanks lads , she's a nice dog jiggy , all the best with the pups lads , here's a few more .

Jigsaw,   A few pictures of the pup, can't get her to keep still, so these are the best of a bad lot.   She is coming on well, grand quiet steady bitch to have around and the family are mad about

i have a sister out of the litter jigsaw did a great job with the pups heres one of my pup its not the best pic i have but its the only one i could get up

bloody hell.your starting her early,lol.she looks smashing.i cant wait to see the rest of them next season,hope they all make something of themselves.looks like you got a squirrel dog all ready :laugh: have to say shes the spit of her mother too,and she is a lovely bitch.

Edited by jigsaw
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yeah,i did put an effort in.i'll tell ye a story I was keeping to my self,robadoo on here would have seen the pup in question as would rebel when he came to pick his.I had a red bitch pup,and it was 1 I wanted to keep,but kevin,my son wanted a dog pup so I let him pick the dog we kept.A bloke related to my mate came and took that bitch pup,I heard last week from a friend of mine that pup was dead allready,so when I queried why this is what I was told.the bloke that bought her,gave her a boot one evening as she was crying and seemingly he did serious damage to her,so you can just imagine how hard he kicked her.He then proceeded to finish her off in the most abhorrent way.I rang him and we had words,and he hung up on me.I really tried to place all the pups in decent homes,and I thought i had but i cant believe this excuse for a dog man could do such a thing to a 10 week old pup.its the only pup I think that got stuck with a shit owner.I thought I had the measure of this man but dam I was way out.the thing that pisses me off even more is there was another lad looking for a second pup and he has a dog pup allready.he is a top class chap and it could have been homed with him,anyway you live and learn and what goes round comes round,so hopefully that idiot will suffer the same fate some day.

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Darren relicks happy out but his front feet are f****d,think we may be in trouble with them,had a litter 4 months ago,sonic the sire,samara the dam and yeah thats sonic.


p666,in all the years ive never heard of anyone doing anything like that to a healthy pup and after buying it only 4 days previous,utterly sensless

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