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New Mole Trapper.

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Hi there, I'm going to try my hand at mole trapping, lots around on the industrial estate where my workshop is plus the next door fields. I understand the basics but would like to know which type of trap you would recommend to start with, half barrel or spring jaw type.


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Make sure you get permission from the landowner first :thumbs:


The best trap to use is the one you are most confident and competent with :yes: Any of the british made half barrel traps are OK once they've been tuned up a bit; avoid the far eastern made (big cheese, proctor etc) ones as they are very poor quality.


The Talpex (dutch) and Talpa (Pakistani) traps are popular and easy to use.


Fenn scissors and Eliza Tinsley (are they still around?) are OK, as are the US made Trapline.

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Hi there, I'm going to try my hand at mole trapping, lots around on the industrial estate where my workshop is plus the next door fields. I understand the basics but would like to know which type of trap you would recommend to start with, half barrel or spring jaw type.



re traps you need to make sure they are quality ones as there are a lot of mole traps on the market with weak springs etc.


Go on the trap page of the http://www.associationofprofessionalmolecatchers.org


Many Professional mole catchers use these main suppliers

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