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Different Standards?

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Socks your right, there's plenty of people that are still stuck in the 70s and 80s with there methods which they pass onto there apprentices And they never advance. The people they 'teach' are peaked at the end of there first or second season And there standards never get any greater and you get generation after generation that are happy keeping mediocre dogs but then these people I have found just use hunting as a sort of infill when there bored where as the people that strive to continuously improve have hunting as a part of if not there life

Stuck in the 70s and 80s lol for a start there was more game about and most was legal and there was no internet for all the dribble thats wrote now ffs


what you trying to say :whistling::laugh::laugh:

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If you can't see at least one fault in your dog then your lying to yourself ..........

Thats the craic fellahs... We all want genuine good hearted dogs that can provide us with sport, of course we do,.but...   Years ago,..(many fecking years ago... ) I was one of the world's worst

This thread has touched on a lot of points, I got into lurchers because I got out of Collies'n Sheep via a bad decision, I got into Beardies via disillusionment with some Borders all some 30 odd year


18 pages, that's a lot of different standards for folks with a common purpose, if I put a picture of a white greyhound on here and asked the colour it could cause a row.


we wouldn't be able to see it :laugh:
I'll paint it purnurple for ya
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Anyone that passes negative comments about other peoples dogs is either insecure about themselves or their own dog. It doesn't getuch more complicated than that. The occasional peddler who's trying to big up his breed and rubbish others is the other potential source if those sort of comments.


I don't judge anyone's dog. I make more excuses for other people's dogs than they do. If I like a dog then they can stay in the warm as an old pot licker if they don't make the grade. I don't have a high turn over of animals and have been lucky enough to always have a dog around that gives me a bit of sport.


I think a lot of dogs fail because their owners are useless. Take a dog into the field with your phone to your ear, dragging your boots along the ground and rustling a bag of crisps and you're making hard work for the dog. A mediocre dog with an owner with a bit of field craft will catch just as much as a top quality dog with a clueless, noisy owner.

I like your common sense attitude.. :yes: :yes: :thumbs:

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When i think of a standard it has nothing to do with training though,thats the owners standards not the dogs.

On another note can some one that says,heres my pup no matter how shit it ends up,i will keep it anyway.Then start judging other peoples dogs?

My standards are a dog that catches stuff,not just on dark windy nights, even collies can do that,but on nights when you can see your own shadows no dilly dallying then rabbits are straight in.Then you see what dog you have.

Pace to turn a hare when shooting,and heart lots of heart,must retrieve a fox.

Ferret to a decent standard.

If it has that then the excitment i get from watching it makes all the effort worth while,and i will overlook any bad points i see,And i wont give a dam what any one eles thinks.

Pretty much sums decent lurcher to me...all I'd add a dog that will help while out with terriers helps me no end.

Spot on

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To be honest Weasle your post says it all to me, because its about the standard of dog alone not the standards of who has trained it and to me, as much as I love to see a well trained mutt, it don't mean shite unless it is capable of catching stuff. Heart, desire, tenacity, ability, effort etc, call it what you will but some dogs are naturally better than others.

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