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Two Rats In One Fenn?

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I've been using Fenns for the last fifteen or so years and today surprised me. Found two rats in one trap. Both young 'uns. Never seen it before, how common is it?


Also looked in a trap tunnel earlier this evening in the chicken run, and staring straight up at me was a wood mouse sat on the trigger plate. Could have been and advert for ratty weight watchers!

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Yip I've got it mate. I'll see if I can send it too Paulus and see if he could put it up. I'm on my phone and and can't put up pics.

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Yer i've had it, always young uns, so i guess the second rat really ruins the firsts dinner.

I must be shit with my traps then ;0) no bait in this tunnel, and different aged young. I reckon they were just laiking around and playing follow my leader. But not for long

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It's always the same place I get it, which is in a fenn set beneath our main grain store on the shoot, in a tunnel, beneath where the grain comes out. So it's a major rat area, and sees a lot of different size rats, so you're right they are either playing chase, or one is sitting on the plate eating and his mate jumps on and tips it.

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I have had a pair of rats twice, both times young greys


I also caught a rat and a weasel in one - the weasel was pulling the rat into the tunnel and they were both caught, and a weasel and young rabbit who were both coming out of a rabbit hole together



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That's it up now....on my first post...?


On further inspection I notice it's been tampered by Fuzzy Photograph....old bastsrd!!.....??

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That looks like the weasel/rat combo I had Lab, looks like it was dragging it into the tunnel and sprung the trap



Yip I'm guessing the same happened here mate. Would have been interesting to view some video footage off it. Not sure if the rat would be killed first then dragged or a struggle took place and they ended up backing onto the trap.

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