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Don't Go Ferreting!

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Just back from a spot of ferreting by myself. I took all the time to try the hard holes and really consider myself as getting away lucky.


As the old hunting men would say "when the buds are on the trees the bunnies are in the ground".


Baby rabbits slipping through the nets on the last burrow and only an act that would do a World Cup goalie proud to get the ferret before she slipped down again brought the day to a close.


That is me done, onto getting the Jill's served now.


If you are thinking about going out the babies are here, think twice! But if you are offering a farmer service and have the ferret collared up, intending to dig, then that is different.

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the seasons are screwed up.

i seen baby rabbits before christmas, seen few fox cubs in jan and feb, and i seen a dead badger cub on the road in early feb.

maybe its not the seasons for everything. maybe there is just plenty of food and they are breeding anytime that suits them.

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I'm going tomorrow I've got my first permission to have a go at that I picked up from a job, 3 sets of holes to play with that are next to an overrun graveyard, have seen some baby's about but didn't have to dig the other weekend though collars go on and expect to dig at some point

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Jamo, I swear to god, I got away light. If someone asked me to go tomorrow to the most lethal rabbit ground known to man my answer would be "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Are ya nuts!".


I don't want to kill your buzz as I am sure you are really lookin forward to it but honestly, you will encounter kits in every burrow!

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Still got at least another two trips thats going to need to get done i was hoping being further north i would of had at least another two three weeks till i saw kits running about but its no to be :blink:

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I don't have any other permission and they want them gone so got to do it , wasn't much hassel but they go from this permission to the graveyard next door that is heaving, so need to get permission there too, 3adults and 3 young with one young escaping a net and through a fence before the bitch could get it

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