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Fac Open Ticket

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It usually implies to centre fire rifles. Larger rifles for deer.


Basically when someone applies for a deer rifle they get the ground inspected in which they intend to shoot. The police might just interview the farmer or already know of deer in the area and therefore having an understanding of the lay of the land, if there is sufficient hills to act as a backstop with no built up areas adding to greater risk then they grant a licence if they are happy.


Now this is where the open or closed comes in.


Usually if this is a first time application the police will grant the licence only to the land which was part of the inspection. They will word the licence as such (sorry don't have my licence with me to copy it word for word) but for an open the wording goes something like land which the licence holder has lawful authority and deems suitable.


I am kicking myself here I don't have my licence at hand as I could word it exactly but someone on here will be in the house and throw the exact terms up for you.


Hope this helps. If you are applying state that you wish to purchase guided stalks and sometimes this goes a long way to getting an open as you wish to bring your own rifle.

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Guided stalks and say you wish to be part of a syndicate go a long way.


Be insured and a member of the club.


I found being a member of the British Deer Society goes a long way too.


If you are young as in early 20's with little experience I don't think there is too much you can do, but I am [BANNED TEXT] there are many a young inexperienced shooter on here that have an open

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Some forces will issue a closed ticket first and then only open it up at renewal. Some forces will open it up on request a little earlier depending on circumstances. Not many that I'm aware of will offer one on a first application.


What calibres are you applying for and do you need an open ticket or just want one? What sort of hunting are you going to be doing?


it's all relevant and will help people guide you a bit more with their answers

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Have you got an FAC at the moment or is this a new application?


You need the permission of the owner of the shooting rights wherever you intend to shoot, regardless of whether your FAC is open or not,


In essence it's a matter of trust and risk. A closed ticket allows the police to restrict where you shoot to where they deem suitable so it lessens the risk and an open ticket is when you have enough experience to be able to make the decisions properly yourself.


It could be 6 months after grant or 5 years when it's renewed, depends on the area you're in and how they view it.


If you have a genuine reason, then you can but ask :thumbs:

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