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Were Do I Stand

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No, but to be honest, I have said that in the future, I'll let the mrs have one that lives outside around the barns etc, just so that I can break the dogs to them.


Perfect example of the need - my boss's wife has one, an old, blind cat that just lounges around in their garden. . . .. which happens to be right in the middle of the shoot. The dog isn't scared of dogs, as all his are broken, so it wouldn't run (even if it could), if my lot killed that cat, i'd lose both a job and about 1500 acres of land to work my dogs on. . . . .


No brainer really!

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I'm sorry but a pet cat isn't quarry, feral cats are different but anyone who refuses to differentiate between them is a moron sure accidents happen but intention is just plain f***ing stupidity,

Aye don't think your be seeing one soon either .

I had a Whippet x Bedlington who lived with our Cat, cant say they loved each other, but she never bothered it, she was different with Ferals, she would take them out, but in a public place, or built

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I'm sorry but a pet cat isn't quarry, feral cats are different but anyone who refuses to differentiate between them is a moron sure accidents happen but intention is just plain f***ing stupidity,

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Has no one else had a pet cat jump out and try to attack their dogs on leads ? I have once had to boot it to get it away,that was one lucky cat,I have had cats killing allsorts in my garden but I wouldn't deliberatley harm any pet cat,when I confronted the owner whos cat was killing a blackbird in my garden as I shouted at them I was told That's what cats do !! They kept it inside after I had a chat.

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End of the day it sounds like a freak accident so the chaps unlucky but all folk thinking it was nothing as one day one big fooker who owns the cat might kick the living shite outta you and your dog as it was his pet as we would do the same if our dog was harmed..

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No, but to be honest, I have said that in the future, I'll let the mrs have one that lives outside around the barns etc, just so that I can break the dogs to them.


Perfect example of the need - my boss's wife has one, an old, blind cat that just lounges around in their garden. . . .. which happens to be right in the middle of the shoot. The dog isn't scared of dogs, as all his are broken, so it wouldn't run (even if it could), if my lot killed that cat, i'd lose both a job and about 1500 acres of land to work my dogs on. . . . .


No brainer really!

This is what I was trying to get at, and there are many more situtions where dogs that chase cats are liabilities. They do not have to like them just ignore them, same as they do with sheep and other livestock.



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I don't deliberately look for cats but if my dogs put one up that's life if it's a loved family pet why is it miles from its home wondering fields and lanes killing birds if my dog was a mile away hunting around on it's own it would be picked up but these things are everywhere killing song birds and getting in the way causing problems

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when i was a lad i saw a lurcher grab hold of a cat which it killed, but the cat blinded it in the process. for this reason alone i try my best to keep my dogs setady to cats, apart from the legal/moral discussion

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I will never understand why more people do not break their dogs to cats. A dog that chases cats is just as much a liability as a stock chaser.



Totaly disagree


Why would you disagree?


A dog takes off after a cat cat runs on to the road, dog follows, result either of them could be killed, without the possibility of the animals causing an accident. All because they cannot either be arsed, or do not have the ability to train the dog not to chase cats....


So what is there to disagree with, with the above statment?




Nothing to do with cant be arsed as I can walk my dogs through livestock they are worked in fields containing livestock so I can most definately be arsed .

My dogs are never in the town and pheasant poults at 4 quid a bird a feral cat has to be dealt with (shot of course)

Edited by MIK
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I took the dogs for a walk last night with me little girl and just as I was walking down the back lane they grabbed hold of a cat and killed it in front of the owner it happend so quickly I took her some flowers round this morning but she didn't want to know I feel bad but it was a freak accident so were do I stand if she decides to ring the police ?

I've had pretty much the same happen to me, i ended up going to guisborough magistrates court, i remember the magistrate told me to keep the dog under better control and not to let it happen again,


that was it :thumbs:

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I disagree to I didn't break my dog to cats because I hate the things

ah thats allright then,hunting is ruined because of uneducated people like you,
That's right I am responsible for ruining hunting you found me out probably because I'm uneducated hahaha my dogs kill a cat it is the same to me as any other quarry


advertising that you kill peoples cats on the internet is not good for anyone,they can be a pest to a lot of people but they dont advertise how they deal with them,your just not the type of person that should be left unsupervised with a dog.

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Good point can you come and educate me on how to keep dogs and maybe I could get a certificate from you when I'm good enough saying I have qualified the school of fordson and am now capable of being unsupervised with a dog

that would be a challenge,you cant educate pork.

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