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My hob has been in with one of my jills for 3 days and I want to know is it normal for her to be squeaking/screeching when tries to mount her? she's definitely ready and swollen but I can't tell if she wants to put out or not.


Any advice much appreciated lads and ladies :thumbs:

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Yeah could be he is well endowed lol....no seriously it can get a bit ruff especially if the hobb is a strong boy or alot bigger. I had one hobb i used to have to keep an eye on, he would grab the jill by the back of the neck and procceed to smash her against the hutch until she gave in or was knocked out :icon_eek: Just keep an eye out after 3 days he should have done what hes going to do but if you can wittness a lock on all the better,perhaps remove him/her and give it a few days to see if she starts to come out of season .If she dont you can always put him back in,but my guess would be he has sorted her already if she was that swollen.

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Its the hob's first season he's 11.5 months. because of the way the hutch is designed, I haven't gotten a chance to see them in action but I've heard her screaming. all I can say is that she seems very resistant and tries to get away from him out side the hutch. are there other clues I could use that tells me they've done the deed? maybe his johnson sticking out after he's mounted? lol How long does it take for her swelling to go down after they've mated? cheers

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