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The Pennymeadow Cup

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Proudly Presents



(Kindly Sponsored by Jeff Hutchings)

A 16 Whippet Lure Coursing meeting to be held on the 25th November 2007 at Hollingworth Lake, Little Borough Lancs, Open to All KC registered whippets. (No Height/Weight limits)

The course will be run over approximately 350yds with 7 turns run on a take up system (not a continuous loop)

All dogs will run in pairs from slips,

Every dog will have a minimum of 2 runs.

Entry fee £5.00 per dog (no membership Fees)

First pair in slips 12 noon.


On Site Facilities ~ Toilets/Bar/Free BBQ for everyone running a Whippet.


Prepaid entry’s (made Payable) to Mark Roberts (Secretary) 76 Carnforth Ave, Castleton, Rochdale, Lancs, OL11 2yd. Tel ~ 07903 624876

Closing date for Entrys 18th November 2007 (post mark)


Owners Name ~…………………………………………………

Address ~ …………………………………………………………………………………………………………


……………………………………………………………….post code~…………………………….


Tel Number~……………………………………………



KC Name ~ …………………………………………………………… Dog/Bitch………………….


KC Registration Number………………………………………………….


KC Name ~ …………………………………………………………… Dog/Bitch………………….


KC Registration Number………………………………………………….


KC Name ~ …………………………………………………………… Dog/Bitch………………….


KC Registration Number………………………………………………….


Owners Signature ~………………………………………………….Date~……………………..

(By signing this form above I accept that the Northwest Lure Coursing Club and its officials on the day cannot be held responsible for any injuries sustained at the above meeting.)

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Ok Ladys and Gentlemen,


Things are coming together nicely for the biggest lure coursing the north of England has ever seen, A big thank you to everyone who has offord sponsorship for this meeting those making the finals are going to be going away with some very nice rewards for the dogs efforts.




Slipper ~ Mr Aaron Atmore, (N.C.C Liscenced Slipper)

Judge ~ Jude Scott (N.C.C Liscenced Judge)


Lure Operator ~ Mr M Roberts & Mr P Hawkins.

Slip Steward ~ Mr Jeff Hutchings & Mr Rod Gaunt


The Main Stake Winner will recieve

The Pennymeadow Cup (to keep) Kindly sponsored by Jeff Hutchings,

A new dog coat Kindly sponsored by Northolm Supplies.

A crate of Beer Kindly Donnated by Sparky.

£100 cash prize Kindly Donnated by RELIANCE MEDICLE Group (arranged by Masta)


Main Final Runner Up will recieve

a Dog Coat Kindly Donnated by Northolm Supplies.

£50 Cash Prize Donnated by Mark & Paula Roberts.


Consolation Final Winner

The Pennymeadow Cup Kindly sponsored by Jeff Hutchings,

A new dog coat Kindly sponsored by Northolm Supplies.

£50 Cash Prize Kindly Donnated by Jeff Hutchings.


Consolation Runner Up

Dog Coat Kindly sponsored by Northolm supplies

£25 Cash Prize Kindly Donnated by Andy & Lesley Smith.


Course of the day

the course which in the opinion of the judge was the best single course in the day each owner recieves a dog statue kindly donnated by Mark & Paula Roberts.



Please get entrys in early as places are being taken up fast and unfortunatly its not going to be possible to extend it to more than 32 dogs.


As always we aim to run this meetings as we always run the lure coursing meetings in a relaxed freindly atmosphere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update.


there are only 2 places left available for this the biggest lure coursing meeting ever held for KC whippets, never before has so much prize money been offord for a whippet lure coursing meeting.


so far there are working/race/show/pet bred whippets entered so we have a good cross section of dogs.


I was hoping to see a few more from the well known working kennels entered but so far theyve not been recieved.

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Hi mate,


whippets would idealy need to be over 12 months (prferable 18) as the courses will be between 350-600yds long so in the interest of the pups 10 months would be a bit young.



Cheers bud,


maybee next year. I wouldn't risk damaging her. Its not worth it is it. She will just need to win it next year ha ha.


Are there any lure coursing clubs in Scotland? or how far north is the closest that you know of?

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im in the same position as minion im in fife scotland and would like to get my pup into lure coursing eventualy now and againe aswell as work her at the moment she doesnt even notice rabbits a squirell was 5 foot away from her in open that she couldov got easy and she just stood and looked at it she was more alert but didnt chase ? any idea's how to get her chasing ? would taking her out with the ferrets to watch get her more keen ?


regards sorry about the questions lol .

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im in the same position as minion im in fife scotland and would like to get my pup into lure coursing eventualy now and againe aswell as work her at the moment she doesnt even notice rabbits a squirell was 5 foot away from her in open that she couldov got easy and she just stood and looked at it she was more alert but didnt chase ? any idea's how to get her chasing ? would taking her out with the ferrets to watch get her more keen ?


regards sorry about the questions lol .



Is your pup a peddy or non ped? How old is it?


I would try it with a rabbit dummy on a rope and drag it for it untill it chases. If you cant get a rabbit skin I used a tea towel on a rope and my whippet loves chasing and ragging it.


You might find that if the rabbit is sitting still your dog ignores it but when it runs i would think it will chase.


You could try bolting rabbits with the ferrets. As long as the dog can see it bolt it will hopefully give chase.



I was thinking of starting up a lure coursing club if there was enough intrest. There are two racing clubs. Alloa and Stirling and if there was enough intrest we could give it a go.


The hardest part would be getting a judge who knew what they were doing.


It could be held once a month.

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The hardest part would be getting a judge who knew what they were doing


The main thing is if you can get a club started you can build on it, just start off with a bit of fun not caring who wins.


i've been running lure coursing in Lancashire now for 7 years for whippets and most of the time the owners take it in turns to judge a meeting in a relaxed atmosphere its only the fact that this ones got prize money ect that we decided to bring in independent slipper/judge.


if you go along to 1` of the scotish racing clubs they will make you welcome.


Calidonian Thistle which rtace near the Kincarden power station just next to the Kincarden bridge and there the Scotish PWRC that race in Sterling.


if you want contact numbers for either/both of those clubs PM me.

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she is fully kc regesterd with 27 champions on her 5 gen paper , she is 8 months old there have been rabbits 20 yards from us in the midle of the feild and she hasnt even noticed them running , i was going to try her with a rag to chae but there is nothing that moves fast enough for her to chase i cant pull it fast enough she runs with my bike me as fast as i can go and she doesnt even get out of breath or nead to run fast . her father was a huge whippet from old coursing stock 20 of the champions were on his side both parents were ownd bye the same people and work the lamp and with ferrets the pup is steady with ferrets other animals she walks out with my horse . i just had her and the terrier out and the two of them were bushing quite well its the first of them showing any sign of working nothing was about but im over the moon thats them starting to pay attention . im sure she will be handy bitch once she matures i had two from the litter but could only keep this one she is far faster than the other was the breedings there so fingers crossed her head is :)


ps i know she would chase a lure once shown it .


regards kris .

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UPDATE (19/10/07)


There is now only 1 place left available for the 32 dog stake, the last place is available on a stricktly first come basis.


once the last place is taken i'll post the full list of runners for this meeting.


i'll be looking for a couple of reserves in case of bitch's in season.

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The hardest part would be getting a judge who knew what they were doing


The main thing is if you can get a club started you can build on it, just start off with a bit of fun not caring who wins.


i've been running lure coursing in Lancashire now for 7 years for whippets and most of the time the owners take it in turns to judge a meeting in a relaxed atmosphere its only the fact that this ones got prize money ect that we decided to bring in independent slipper/judge.


if you go along to 1` of the scotish racing clubs they will make you welcome.


Calidonian Thistle which rtace near the Kincarden power station just next to the Kincarden bridge and there the Scotish PWRC that race in Sterling.


if you want contact numbers for either/both of those clubs PM me.




which is the better club? is eithe more competitive or is there a better standard of dog at either club?

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Below are the list of entries for the Pennymeadow Cup 32 dog lure coursing meeting to be run on the 25th November.


Meet 9.30am first pair in slips 10am (promt)


This is the list of Runners NOT the draw, The draw will now take place tommorow Sunday the 21st October at the race meeting at the Lancashire PWRC if anyones within driving distance all are welcome to watch the draw being made in public.


.1 ~ Parkstone Take A Chance

.2 ~ Parkstone True Blue

.3 ~ Eugenie Princess

.4 ~ Winterfell Tinkerbelle

.5 ~ Penny Pictures

.6 ~ Tipp Tail

.7 ~ Moon Ballad

.8 ~ Parkstone Queen Of The Nile


10~ Starvass Moonlighting

11~ Crackling Beauty

12~ Lynperry Waterloo Boy

13~ Cyanara ice saint of niisf

14~ Niisfy heres otto

15~ Silver Skye Of Pennymeadow

16~ Trudys Scrumptious Of Pennymeadow

17~ Star Strike Heart And Soul

18~ Lamplyte Nyjinsky

19~ Big Bruva Strikes

20~ Pennymeadow Black Jack

21~ Silverslip Who Loves The Sun

22~ Parkstone Let Me loose

23~ High Jinx

24~ highisland just Jessie

25~ Avismar Midnight Star

26~ Roedeane Rhapsody in August

27~ Pennymeadow Pot Black

28~ Arjuna Joe Bloggs

29~ Dales Coaster

30~ Micas Star Comet

31~ Collloony Silver Digiloo

32~ Barleys Lad


theres are currently 3 reserves, i'll still take entrys for a few more reseves in cxase of non runners.

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Guest markbrick1

this is advertised on a lurcher and hunting forum and lurchers arnt invited to particapte????????the amount of whippetsthat run at lurcher events is gettin bigger and bigger why dont you extend this to lurchers under 23 inch say,it wouldnt be nice when a dirty old working rough coated lurchers beats a ped pooch at its own game would it :toast: if so i would make the trip up and enter one for the last time,anyway sorry to say this but this is a lurcher forum good luck to all whos runin,mark

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this is advertised on a lurcher and hunting forum and lurchers arnt invited to particapte????????the amount of whippetsthat run at lurcher events is gettin bigger and bigger why dont you extend this to lurchers under 23 inch say,it wouldnt be nice when a dirty old working rough coated lurchers beats a ped pooch at its own game would it :toast: if so i would make the trip up and enter one for the last time,anyway sorry to say this but this is a lurcher forum good luck to all whos runin,mark


It's actualy a Lurcher, RUNNING DOG, and HOUND forum, Mark, and I'm sure Whippets qualify as two of those !!! :thumbs:


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