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Goldfinch Wanted

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Hi every one im new on here and this is my first post

Just wanted to know if any one knew of any place that i could buy

A goldfinch in the southeast area (im in wokingham berkshire)

Got a few canaries now looking to breed some singing mules

Cheers thanks for reading ......

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Good to have ye, Sam ;)


As Millet says though; No one's selling their birds just now. They're all getting ready to breed a new load out of what they have.


But, that's not the end of the world, is it? Like me, just hang on in there and there'll soon enough be all those 2014 ringed young'ns flooding the place.


Doesn't help you, I know. But, kick back. Enjoy what ye have ~ which is more than I've got! :laugh: ~ and it'll soon come round :yes:

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Don't give up though as like me there are some folks who haven't finished sorting out their birds yet(well the truth is i can't decide what ones i have to get rid as i want to keep them all :laugh: but i can't :cray: ) but once they do they will have a few to offer(mine won't be goldies though).Also some put together pairs just won't have it with each other and these also may well be moved on but to be honest once april is here then you will be bloody lucky mate.

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Sibo's or northerns are a bit bigger,they don't sing quite as well as our natives and they sure don't like the damp,they can also cost a good few quid and don't live as long either.They do come in lots of colours though but natives are the way forward due the sole fact their native and better than the rest :yes::laugh::laugh: .

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