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Vixen Cubs And Nature

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I will say this for ya Irishman,if your terriers stay as long at it as you have on here on this thread there not bad.

Irishman that wasn't in agreement with the bullshit you have posted on here, not in the slightest.   I just cant get my head around why people feel the need to say it's not a sport? Of course it is.

Everyone replying and arguing aren't helping,can a mod not just delete the thread.

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Irishman you really do come across as being clueless....either a child or an anti?

Go a find out why your terrier roles on a rat give my head peace :bye:
i think you have got the wrong member about the rat thingy go give your head a shake
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Irishman you really do come across as being clueless....either a child or an anti?

Go a find out why your terrier roles on a rat give my head peace :bye:
i think you have got the wrong member about the rat thingy go give your head a shake


Oh my god I am shattered I got that wrong :laugh::laugh: A knew one to jump on the wagon.. some people cant keep their mouth shut

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Irishman,are you even IRISH ?

You sounding more like that Plummer Acolyte...That takes Strolls with his Knocker box to hand..waiting for that CLICKING to start..

What was it ? Ah ! ONE of they PASS IT ON DAYS :laugh: bolting Ferrets :toast:

What you talking about now? You sound like an american alright.. HARD to listen to

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