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Best Zero Distance For Ruger 10/22?

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Depends what distance you are comfortable shoot at, what distances you will be shooting at and what scope you are using (mildot etc) are all considerations, but ultimately, i think most people zero to 55 yards (50 metres) or there abouts and then shoot up to 100 or so yards comfortably.

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Yep 50 yards for me to, I've found that a 50yd subsonic zero, gives a 'slightly' low at 100 yd zero using HV, (slightly low is

around 1") so you can aim off just a bit with HV and still get a good hit..

As an aside many rimfire users get 'airgun' quality scopes in the under £150 range, and to be fair these are starting to struggle a

bit past 100 because of limited optics. For a round that drops off fairly quickly like the 22lr some sort of Mildot or ladder ret

is very helpful to get repeatability.

So horses for courses.


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65 yards for me with Winchester and Lapua subsonics.


Go the the link below and enter your sight height (vertical distance between the centreline of your barrel and the centreline of your scope tube). Then enter your preferred target size (one inch for a wabbit would be about right). Then enter the velocity of the round you're using (Win and Lapua subs come out of a 22" barrel at 1075 fps).


I have a sight height of 1.5 inches and chose a target size of 2" (for coypus). Gives an "ideal" far zero of 65 yards, near zero 14 yards. Anything between 4 and 75 yards will be no more than 1" high or low -- that's your point blank range. Bullet drop is 4.76" at 100 yards.



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I found the best round for my rifle then used a ballistic table to show me my bullet drop between 15 yards and 120 yards. Used the zero which gave me least amount of drop to account for. With my Brno mk 2 using magtech 40gr I'm never compensating for more than 3.5 inch hold over/under. But does mean I have to be bob on judging distances.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the the advice.


Looks like i'm going to have to zero the gun to 50m again since made a stupid error of leaning it up agaist the car when to got the ammo from the boot and it fell over knocking the zero well out.

Edited by IanS
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