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Hare Shoot According To Baw

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Welsh rabbit = cheese on toast lol


It's not rabbit it's rarebit like a Cardiff or Swansea virgin. :blink:



I know mate, I used some poetic license.....

I wondered who would pull it.... My money was on malt lol

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It's a sad fact that the hunting "community" still attack each other at every opportunity; the shooters v the coursers, the Hunts v the foxing lads, even the lampers v the daywalkers !! I, personally,

Nothin worse than a hare thread on this site. You soon see who has a proper understanding of the countryside and who doesn't though.

Aye, it's almost as bad as killing tame park deer and getting all lurcher owners a bad name.....

gotta laugh at people googling it........ :laugh: ffs even it was Normans who introduced the hare we have still had a fair seasons to hunt it.......... :blink::yes: its general talk on a hunting forum, theres gonna be for and against on each side!! the only way to kill a hare is the way your conscience lets you.........if you can live with blasting a 12bore at the ultimate running athlete then so be it......... :thumbs:

It all boils down to respect. The guys who say why should a hare get more respect than a rabbit, haven't a clue. When your shooting something you have no idea how admirable the thing your shooting is at avoiding being killed. No wonder these clowns can't understand why the hare deserves respect. To them, it's just another target, to us, it's the ultimate prize.

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Rabbits in Spain are the same as the rest of Europe ,,,,in fact it's where rabbits are supposed to spread from,and colonised the rest of Europe ,,,,


They now know the rabbit was here in roman times,,,and depending on what you read online ,,,according to the mammal society ,,,hares came here in the Iron Age ,,long befor the Romans ,,,,,,but other reports say the Romans brought them,,,


But it's only 8.000 years ago we were joined to Europe ,,,,so if hares were widespread across Europe then,, perhaps they were already here

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Rabbits in Spain are the same as the rest of Europe ,,,,in fact it's where rabbits are supposed to spread from,and colonised the rest of Europe ,,,,


They now know the rabbit was here in roman times,,,and depending on what you read online ,,,according to the mammal society ,,,hares came here in the Iron Age ,,long befor the Romans ,,,,,,but other reports say the Romans brought them,,,


But it's only 8.000 years ago we were joined to Europe ,,,,so if hares were widespread across Europe then,, perhaps they were already here

Exactly mate, you can even see the ice age European land fringes now submerged under the water and see how we were connected, on Google maps.

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Rabbits in Spain are the same as the rest of Europe ,,,,in fact it's where rabbits are supposed to spread from,and colonised the rest of Europe ,,,,


They now know the rabbit was here in roman times,,,and depending on what you read online ,,,according to the mammal society ,,,hares came here in the Iron Age ,,long befor the Romans ,,,,,,but other reports say the Romans brought them,,,


But it's only 8.000 years ago we were joined to Europe ,,,,so if hares were widespread across Europe then,, perhaps they were already here

Exactly mate, you can even see the ice age European land fringes now submerged under the water and see how we were connected, on Google maps.


the fact that hares were brought here for sport by the Romans as indeed was the pheasant if from a dog mans point of view something to be used to defend hunting hares as dogs would have been used to hunt them back then, So 700 years of history has been lost at the stroke of a pen, now the hound packs used there 2/300 year history as part of there defence and they managed to keep going within the law after the ban, we need to do something similar to get coursing off the banned list even if its done through licensed clubs as is the case in southern Ireland, Forget about this obsession with hare drives, there legal and by all this crap you are actually helping to the demise of more of the countryside, Concentrate on what's far more important, keeping what we lurcher lads have left and planning to get back some of what we have already lost, none of this is helped by infighting and the actions of the idiots in our ranks, we need to be whiter than white if we are to make any headway, we must be the only branch of field sports that is not represented by any governing body and perhaps that why we lost the most with the introduction of the hunting ban.

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Rabbits in Spain are the same as the rest of Europe ,,,,in fact it's where rabbits are supposed to spread from,and colonised the rest of Europe ,,,,


They now know the rabbit was here in roman times,,,and depending on what you read online ,,,according to the mammal society ,,,hares came here in the Iron Age ,,long befor the Romans ,,,,,,but other reports say the Romans brought them,,,


But it's only 8.000 years ago we were joined to Europe ,,,,so if hares were widespread across Europe then,, perhaps they were already here

Exactly mate, you can even see the ice age European land fringes now submerged under the water and see how we were connected, on Google maps.


the fact that hares were brought here for sport by the Romans as indeed was the pheasant if from a dog mans point of view something to be used to defend hunting hares as dogs would have been used to hunt them back then, So 700 years of history has been lost at the stroke of a pen, now the hound packs used there 2/300 year history as part of there defence and they managed to keep going within the law after the ban, we need to do something similar to get coursing off the banned list even if its done through licensed clubs as is the case in southern Ireland, Forget about this obsession with hare drives, there legal and by all this crap you are actually helping to the demise of more of the countryside, Concentrate on what's far more important, keeping what we lurcher lads have left and planning to get back some of what we have already lost, none of this is helped by infighting and the actions of the idiots in our ranks, we need to be whiter than white if we are to make any headway, we must be the only branch of field sports that is not represented by any governing body and perhaps that why we lost the most with the introduction of the hunting ban.


Hear hear mate :thumbs:


TBH the Law makes no sense. Met guys here who don't understand why we don't just take the fields en masse and fook the law off :yes:

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Rabbits in Spain are the same as the rest of Europe ,,,,in fact it's where rabbits are supposed to spread from,and colonised the rest of Europe ,,,,


They now know the rabbit was here in roman times,,,and depending on what you read online ,,,according to the mammal society ,,,hares came here in the Iron Age ,,long befor the Romans ,,,,,,but other reports say the Romans brought them,,,


But it's only 8.000 years ago we were joined to Europe ,,,,so if hares were widespread across Europe then,, perhaps they were already here

Exactly mate, you can even see the ice age European land fringes now submerged under the water and see how we were connected, on Google maps.


the fact that hares were brought here for sport by the Romans as indeed was the pheasant if from a dog mans point of view something to be used to defend hunting hares as dogs would have been used to hunt them back then, So 700 years of history has been lost at the stroke of a pen, now the hound packs used there 2/300 year history as part of there defence and they managed to keep going within the law after the ban, we need to do something similar to get coursing off the banned list even if its done through licensed clubs as is the case in southern Ireland, Forget about this obsession with hare drives, there legal and by all this crap you are actually helping to the demise of more of the countryside, Concentrate on what's far more important, keeping what we lurcher lads have left and planning to get back some of what we have already lost, none of this is helped by infighting and the actions of the idiots in our ranks, we need to be whiter than white if we are to make any headway, we must be the only branch of field sports that is not represented by any governing body and perhaps that why we lost the most with the introduction of the hunting ban.


Hear hear mate :thumbs:


TBH the Law makes no sense. Met guys here who don't understand why we don't just Take the fields en masse and fook the law off :yes:



I thought thats what you do......................................................... if you've got a Saluki cross

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RAW don't paint all with same brush , that's what joe public do when they see a man with a terrier,is it not.


:icon_redface: ................................I missed the :whistling: at the end mate


couldn't agree more we've all got to be responsible what ever we do because in 2014 nothing goes by without somebody noticing and one bad egg and all that.

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gotta laugh at people googling it........ :laugh: ffs even it was Normans who introduced the hare we have still had a fair seasons to hunt it.......... :blink::yes: its general talk on a hunting forum, theres gonna be for and against on each side!! the only way to kill a hare is the way your conscience lets you.........if you can live with blasting a 12bore at the ultimate running athlete then so be it......... :thumbs:

tbh I dont even think pheasant shootings going to last much longer once this takes off over here.






It all boils down to respect. The guys who say why should a hare get more respect than a rabbit, haven't a clue. When your shooting something you have no idea how admirable the thing your shooting is at avoiding being killed. No wonder these clowns can't understand why the hare deserves respect. To them, it's just another target, to us, it's the ultimate prize.

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