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Hare Shoot According To Baw

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  On 18/03/2014 at 08:19, gsdxg said:

yes your honour mr x was caught in possesion of two hares and one lurcher dog.yes he is known to us .i think we should make a excample of him whaht whaht.ok how about 3 months in prison ? .cant you make it six ? after all we dont want him out and about at pheasant season .ok..oh by the way we are haveing a hare shoot tomorrow for the estate workers .same as last year about 650.oh no only 648.dont forget we had two poached .oh yes that reminds me i see that llyods and the halifax have had to be bailed out .oh no does thaht mean we will all have to go to prison for gambling with savers money ?.dont talk nonsense you must have realised by now we privatise the profits and socialise the losses .bloody good deal on those post office shares whaht whaht i can add those to the gas electric and telecom shares we stole at bargain prices.see you this weekend then ? oh no i wont be comeing this weekend.go to go to a dinner party to talk to someone about some insider tradeing tips tally ho pip pip whaht whaht

more cobblers, most shoots around here are run as small syndicates and they put their money where there mouth is, so dry your eyes and add something rather than just taking.

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It's a sad fact that the hunting "community" still attack each other at every opportunity; the shooters v the coursers, the Hunts v the foxing lads, even the lampers v the daywalkers !! I, personally,

Nothin worse than a hare thread on this site. You soon see who has a proper understanding of the countryside and who doesn't though.

Aye, it's almost as bad as killing tame park deer and getting all lurcher owners a bad name.....

  On 18/03/2014 at 08:20, paulus said:


  On 18/03/2014 at 08:15, The Seeker said:

I cannot believe some of the comments on here

The antis are rolling about pissing themselves....


they can get adult pull ups for issues with incontinence :laugh: :laugh:

I blame Thatcher :whistling:

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  On 18/03/2014 at 08:19, gsdxg said:

yes your honour mr x was caught in possesion of two hares and one lurcher dog.yes he is known to us .i think we should make a excample of him whaht whaht.ok how about 3 months in prison ? .cant you make it six ? after all we dont want him out and about at pheasant season .ok..oh by the way we are haveing a hare shoot tomorrow for the estate workers .same as last year about 650.oh no only 648.dont forget we had two poached .oh yes that reminds me i see that llyods and the halifax have had to be bailed out .oh no does thaht mean we will all have to go to prison for gambling with savers money ?.dont talk nonsense you must have realised by now we privatise the profits and socialise the losses .bloody good deal on those post office shares whaht whaht i can add those to the gas electric and telecom shares we stole at bargain prices.see you this weekend then ? oh no i wont be comeing this weekend.go to go to a dinner party to talk to someone about some insider tradeing tips tally ho pip pip whaht whaht

Wow that burden must be a heavy thing to carry round all day..

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  On 18/03/2014 at 08:14, paulus said:


  On 18/03/2014 at 08:12, baw said:



  On 18/03/2014 at 07:59, paulus said:

engage brain :hmm: they have these hare dtives at the end of each season and have done for years and years, all this talk of slaughter makes you think how is it then possible to kill the same amount and often more at the end of the following season, just a suggestion but perhaps its the money time and effort that they put into the land they own or rent all year, how many dog lads look after and manage the land they hunt? at a guess very few, instead just preferring to take rather than give something back to the land. when coursing was legal how many got together, put their hand in their pocket, went out day after day controlling predators and nuturing their hare on ground rented or purchased, again i would guess not many, hypocrisy at its best :laugh:

1 hare shots too many. The fat shooters can shoot rabbits, fox, pheasants, deer, rats, crows, pidgeons, Patridge, countless game and pets but some chose to shoot pet birds and driven hares. No sport in my eyes. These same fat fucks say back and watched hare coursing go down the swanny. What goes around comes around, the line was drawn in the sand by them :)

you need to sharpen your hook, that statement is as blunt as fook :laugh::laugh: i don't think they class it as sport as they only shoot at the end of the season so its more land management. how sad how even hunters stereotype "fat shooters" "posh huntsmen" just shows ignorance and lack of understanding of the countryside...................................mines been sharpened :laugh:

:laugh: aye but you've a broken barb :laugh: there ain't many slim fit shooters mate, I've yet to see one lol. No one is saying it isn't management, hasn't been going on for a long time etc etc... It just grinds my gears to see good hares getting wasted like that :laugh: lurchermen generally don't pay to gain permission, we provide a pest control service. I know you get shooters who shoot rabbits, I've no gripe with them as much :laugh: just the arrogance.a few seasons back a farmer on my mates permission let on a shooter, some relation of his son in law. You know the type, gun gathers dust in the cupboard till he takes the notion. Anyhow, easy 5 months past never seen him, then he appeared when we were ferreting. c**t said to the mate, phone me when your wanting to come on so we don't waste each others day. Mate said, I don't even phone the farmer so I ain't going to start phoning you :laugh:

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  On 18/03/2014 at 08:28, baw said:


  On 18/03/2014 at 08:14, paulus said:


  On 18/03/2014 at 08:12, baw said:


  On 18/03/2014 at 07:59, paulus said:

engage brain :hmm: they have these hare dtives at the end of each season and have done for years and years, all this talk of slaughter makes you think how is it then possible to kill the same amount and often more at the end of the following season, just a suggestion but perhaps its the money time and effort that they put into the land they own or rent all year, how many dog lads look after and manage the land they hunt? at a guess very few, instead just preferring to take rather than give something back to the land. when coursing was legal how many got together, put their hand in their pocket, went out day after day controlling predators and nuturing their hare on ground rented or purchased, again i would guess not many, hypocrisy at its best :laugh:

1 hare shots too many. The fat shooters can shoot rabbits, fox, pheasants, deer, rats, crows, pidgeons, Patridge, countless game and pets but some chose to shoot pet birds and driven hares. No sport in my eyes. These same fat fucks say back and watched hare coursing go down the swanny. What goes around comes around, the line was drawn in the sand by them :)

you need to sharpen your hook, that statement is as blunt as fook :laugh::laugh: i don't think they class it as sport as they only shoot at the end of the season so its more land management. how sad how even hunters stereotype "fat shooters" "posh huntsmen" just shows ignorance and lack of understanding of the countryside...................................mines been sharpened :laugh:

:laugh: aye but you've a broken barb :laugh: there ain't many slim fit shooters mate, I've yet to see one lol. No one is saying it isn't management, hasn't been going on for a long time etc etc... It just grinds my gears to see good hares getting wasted like that :laugh: lurchermen generally don't pay to gain permission, we provide a pest control service. I know you get shooters who shoot rabbits, I've no gripe with them as much :laugh: just the arrogance.a few seasons back a farmer on my mates permission let on a shooter, some relation of his son in law. You know the type, gun gathers dust in the cupboard till he takes the notion. Anyhow, easy 5 months past never seen him, then he appeared when we were ferreting. c**t said to the mate, phone me when your wanting to come on so we don't waste each others day. Mate said, I don't even phone the farmer so I ain't going to start phoning you :laugh:


in that situation the words "f**k You" are usually enough to bring the issue to a head :laugh:

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Got to agree well maybe not fat fucks lol but it's a disgrace, they didn't give a shit about lurcher boys, in fact some welcomed it. They only appeared to stand shoulder to shoulder cause there fox hunting was on the road out Aswell.


Just can't condone or see the logic in shooting hundred plus hares. Very sad

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  On 18/03/2014 at 07:46, gsdxg said:


  1. perthshire keper.you and a lot of your kind are greedy selfish sob .i have known lots of keepers like you tight wads who want all of the estates hares and rabits for themselves thier arses squeak when they walk .if i had the money for a scottish estate the first thing to go would be people like you .like the early white man in america you think that your lands will be full of game for ever .you canott see any further than your bowl of cold porridge .you just keep on doffing your cap to your illuminatti masters .when your old and finished sitting in your wee bed then maybe just maybe the penny will drop .i hate shotguns and i absoulutely detest people like you who think they are conserveing the countryside while in some cases poisoining the birds of prey so that thier masters can have a couple of more braces of birds.you are just a glorefied chicken farmer .hares are for the course not for some fat useless overweight city trader who has to have the harers pushed towards the end of his shotgun barells.perthshire keeper ? .keeper of whaht every penny you can screw out of nature to put in your wee litttle piggy bank


Aye, it's almost as bad as killing tame park deer and getting all lurcher owners a bad name..... :yes:

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  On 18/03/2014 at 09:04, baw said:


  On 18/03/2014 at 09:00, RubyTex said:

Not sure where this sense of "I run a running dog so therefore have explicit rights to coarse hares" comes from :hmm:

Who said they have?





hares are for the course not for some fat useless overweight city trader who has to have the harers pushed towards the end of his shotgun barells

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  On 18/03/2014 at 09:15, RubyTex said:


  On 18/03/2014 at 09:04, baw said:



  On 18/03/2014 at 09:00, RubyTex said:

Not sure where this sense of "I run a running dog so therefore have explicit rights to coarse hares" comes from :hmm:

Who said they have?



hares are for the course not for some fat useless overweight city trader who has to have the harers pushed towards the end of his shotgun barells

I think Darcy has took care of that one

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