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saw a whole load of em sat round a camp fire singing ging gang goolie.... Yokel

Promised myself I wouldn't get involved in this stupid argument but a post like that, supposedly coming from a hunter, is exactly what the antis are looking for. Your entitled to your opinion but not

Possibly the biggest pile of shite I've ever read on here....well done.

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Let alone killing vixens with cubs.. MADNESS


mate there is no sport in putting a terrier to ground at any time of the year,......... we do this to provide a service and a means of vermin control as stated in the terriermans code of conduct,....... weather you are part of a club or not if you work a terrier to ground the basics of the code should still be practiced. To portray terrier work as a sport is incorrect and doesnt sound so good to those less educated.... :whistling::thumbs:

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Let alone killing vixens with cubs.. MADNESS


mate there is no sport in putting a terrier to ground at any time of the year,......... we do this to provide a service and a means of vermin control as stated in the terriermans code of conduct........ to portray terrier work as a sport is incorrect and doesnt sound so good to those less educated.... :whistling::thumbs:

. Give that man a cigar
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Its sport to



Let alone killing vixens with cubs.. MADNESS


mate there is no sport in putting a terrier to ground at any time of the year,......... we do this to provide a service and a means of vermin control as stated in the terriermans code of conduct,....... weather you are part of a club or not if you work a terrier to ground the basics of the code should still be practiced. To portray terrier work as a sport is incorrect and doesnt sound so good to those less educated.... :whistling::thumbs:


Its a sport to me its called terrierwork. Its all about the dog its not about killing everything in the country

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Irishman I think your digging a hole for yourself with every post you put up one minute your slagging lads off for pest control then when its explained properly to you its each man to there own just not for you

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You call it vermin control so you can get away with shooting other mens sport.. Go get some decoys and shot some peigons and crows


mate go away, have a cup of tea and come back in an hour and read what you are posting, it may be more obvious then......men have dedicated a geat deal of time and effort to prevent terrierwork being banned, sport doesnt enter into a terriermans vocabulary......

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irishman, you wana go away and re- educate the whole way you think terrierwork is or should be conducted...and first and foremost its not sport!!! it is what it is and that is vermin/pest control now away and gave your head a shake lad..

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