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saw a whole load of em sat round a camp fire singing ging gang goolie.... Yokel

Promised myself I wouldn't get involved in this stupid argument but a post like that, supposedly coming from a hunter, is exactly what the antis are looking for. Your entitled to your opinion but not

Possibly the biggest pile of shite I've ever read on here....well done.

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Would this be what you shy away from or still denying they kill lambs.Sorry if it offends anyone but control is control whether its a day old or not


as shocking as that pic might come across to some it's part n parcel of pest control, it shows exactly why the fox is controlled for preying on the farmers livestock, some hunters disagree but cannot deny that it's got to be done when the farmers, bird keepers need. I have done it myself however I usually have the opinion of let them breed in peace and do not hunt in the summer except with rod and line. Unless I get a call from a distressed farmer. But let's not demonise those that do it because you could guarentee that it brings them no joy.
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Would this be what you shy away from or still denying they kill lambs.Sorry if it offends anyone but control is control whether its a day old or not


as shocking as that pic might come across to some it's part n parcel of pest control, it shows exactly why the fox is controlled for preying on the farmers livestock, some hunters disagree but cannot deny that it's got to be done when the farmers, bird keepers need. I have done it myself however I usually have the opinion of let them breed in peace and do not hunt in the summer except with rod and line. Unless I get a call from a distressed farmer. But let's not demonise those that do it because you could guarentee that it brings them no joy.


It also shows how effective proper terrier work is,all accounted for and nothing left wounded or to starve.

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Reading through this and not really knowing much about the subject, two things spring to mind. I can see Irishmans standpoint about leaving well alone when in or with cub from a principle and sustainability point of view and can see why it being called "sport", upsets some as this will not be socially acceptable in the 21st century, does nothing for public relations and may well be used by some in the future. I can see others point of view about pest control as well in that at this time of the year, control is a necessary evil. One thing for sure though and without wanting to offend anyone, posting photos of dead cubs is doing no one any favours on any level, if it is done, it should be done with a sobering respect, not to be posted on the net.

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Fireman, there cubs FFs, look at the photo pure and utter disgrace, pictures like that is why the sport is banned over there, then people complain y there no foxes come hunting season, i tell you why, the likes of Foxdropper has the cubs and vixens killed in the summer leaving very little for winter when there up and ready to give a fair account of themselves, brutal photo to put on the internet or even take in first place, shameful

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Shot foxes and rifle pics this time of year are so much worse though :yes: ,like i say all accounted for and nothing left wounded or to starve with this pic and it's how you look at it where ever it's offencive or not..

That is where your going wrong Irishhunter mate,it wasn't done for sport it was pest control and needed to be done,two totaly different things,like digging badgers and baiting badgers is but some just fail to see it. :thumbs: .

Edited by fireman
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Should he wait till there bigger and the vixen is killing even more lambs to feed there growing bellies?.You got a farmer who is loosing lambs and has called on his "pest controler"(could be you or me)to sort out his pest,how would you go about the job if that's not the best way to do it? Question goes to everyone really :yes:

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Fireman, there cubs FFs, look at the photo pure and utter disgrace, pictures like that is why the sport is banned over there, then people complain y there no foxes come hunting season, i tell you why, the likes of Foxdropper has the cubs and vixens killed in the summer leaving very little for winter when there up and ready to give a fair account of themselves, brutal photo to put on the internet or even take in first place, shameful

. The reason theirs a partial ban is because of the PERSEPTION OF THE WORD SPORT. Give you head a shake
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