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I've talked to hundreds of farmers with lambs and very few have had problems with foxes taking lambs, IMO lot of the times local dogs do a lot of damage, yes if the evidence is there and earnings are gettin lost surely action needs to be taken but I think people use that excuse just to go out summer hunting

. Do you go out witha little twisted c**t in scotland by any chance

He does come across like that c**t !


Full of shit and always on a wind up.........

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saw a whole load of em sat round a camp fire singing ging gang goolie.... Yokel

Promised myself I wouldn't get involved in this stupid argument but a post like that, supposedly coming from a hunter, is exactly what the antis are looking for. Your entitled to your opinion but not

Possibly the biggest pile of shite I've ever read on here....well done.

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Do foxes take lambs, they do, fact!


So what do you do when a farmer is losing lambs. You control them or you lose your permission.


I was speaking with a farmer yesterday, i asked him how the yeaning was going. He said he lost 4 ewes ( how he doesn't know), but it was a good job we weren't around, or he would have blamed us as he hasn't lost ewes like that in years. I asked him then had he seen many foxes about, he has seen a few but he is baiting the cleansings and the ewes with poison. Now, thats indiscrimate, as a lot of foxes pick up carrion to survive. At least if have to sort out a problem, you will see lambs strewn around the earth, so there is a good chance your getting the one thats doing the damage, and some are being left to breed.

Thats control or conservation.


Margins are very tight on farms and the cant afford losses. A hoggit will be worth 120 euro in 4 months and its hard to make money at that.

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This will run and run with those two defending the "sport" brigade .I do what i do and no amount of shitty posts will change that .We have plenty of foxes here much to the farmers dispare. .I really would like to meet a sheep farmer that had a good word for foxes or crows or ravens for that matter .The likes of these two from over the water is what f****d it all up for us .Terrier work is much much more to me than a jolly out testing dogs .The sport aspect implies we breed foxes for our amusement a fine way to treat a farmer that lets you on for control . Let them be ,a sentiment i will try on the next caller just for a laugh but i know the answer .The pic was from 3 year ago and followed a particularly stressful time for a shepherd near me when he lost 17 new borns before we ended it .I tried to put it off telling him everyday it happened it was just a one off knowing full well it would continue and eventually we had to go looking .Pulled out 6 before the dog could enter and dug 3 more on the way to it as dog couldnt get on .What the Irish folk are saying is should of left it , let nature take its course and worse still let someone with a rifle shoot the vic and leave the cubs to starve .The real world is miles away from a sporting jolly out and im glad im not alone in this respect .I dont dig cubs that are doing no one any harm but have no qualms digging where they are a pain in the arse .Wonder how many foxes these two have "Given Best "because its the sporting thing to do .

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Foxdropper your some fella, vixen and cubs, absolute disgrace, you call yourself a hunter you arsehole


Dont call myself anything just do what i do you fuckwit
kid you not im convinced they are antis ive writ it before and again they must be or aint got a f***ing clue sure aint dog men
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The ,Oxford Dictionary defintion of SPORT ,that the Anti ...will be familiar with .....

An Activity involving physical exertion & skill in which an Individual or Team competes against or others for ENTERTAINMENT .

You two Irish ? fellas are True Venators :yes:

Try To Argue our cause " TERRIERWORK " with your definition of HUNTING :hmm:

I think "Control & Conservation" will work alot better ...It's Allowed in Law because It was ARGUED ...It was PEST CONTROL ..

A PEST has no season kills all year round ,so there is a NEED to Control all year round ..like it or not !


If you had an OUTRIGHT BAN !!! would you be so SPORTING to give up your TERRIERS,as there will be no need for them . :hmm:

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This will run and run with those two defending the "sport" brigade .I do what i do and no amount of shitty posts will change that .We have plenty of foxes here much to the farmers dispare. .I really would like to meet a sheep farmer that had a good word for foxes or crows or ravens for that matter .The likes of these two from over the water is what f****d it all up for us .Terrier work is much much more to me than a jolly out testing dogs .The sport aspect implies we breed foxes for our amusement a fine way to treat a farmer that lets you on for control . Let them be ,a sentiment i will try on the next caller just for a laugh but i know the answer .The pic was from 3 year ago and followed a particularly stressful time for a shepherd near me when he lost 17 new borns before we ended it .I tried to put it off telling him everyday it happened it was just a one off knowing full well it would continue and eventually we had to go looking .Pulled out 6 before the dog could enter and dug 3 more on the way to it as dog couldnt get on .What the Irish folk are saying is should of left it , let nature take its course and worse still let someone with a rifle shoot the vic and leave the cubs to starve .The real world is miles away from a sporting jolly out and im glad im not alone in this respect .I dont dig cubs that are doing no one any harm but have no qualms digging where they are a pain in the arse .Wonder how many foxes these two have "Given Best "because its the sporting thing to do .

FD there is only 2 irish saying it,thats if they are irish and i honestly think its a couple of young lads just backing each other up that dont know any different.

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