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saw a whole load of em sat round a camp fire singing ging gang goolie.... Yokel

Promised myself I wouldn't get involved in this stupid argument but a post like that, supposedly coming from a hunter, is exactly what the antis are looking for. Your entitled to your opinion but not

Possibly the biggest pile of shite I've ever read on here....well done.

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Nobody likes killing cubs, I don't do it myself as I don't need to but I can understand the reasons why some have to do it.

Foxes don't wait for lambs to mature before they slaughter them do they ?.

If there affecting a mans living something has to be done, it's hard enough to survive in this shitty country without VERMIN eating your wages.

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I've talked to hundreds of farmers with lambs and very few have had problems with foxes taking lambs, IMO lot of the times local dogs do a lot of damage, yes if the evidence is there and earnings are gettin lost surely action needs to be taken but I think people use that excuse just to go out summer hunting

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I've talked to hundreds of farmers with lambs and very few have had problems with foxes taking lambs, IMO lot of the times local dogs do a lot of damage, yes if the evidence is there and earnings are gettin lost surely action needs to be taken but I think people use that excuse just to go out summer hunting

You've just contradicted yourself Irishman, you're completely against killing cubs & vixens but you've just admitted that a few farmers you know experience problems at lambing. If hunting was portrayed as sport & not control then it would be completely banned in all forms. You had the cheek to call someone an arsehole....At first I found you amusing but now you're probably the biggest f***ing self righteous arsehole on THL, & that takes some doing
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I've talked to hundreds of farmers with lambs and very few have had problems with foxes taking lambs, IMO lot of the times local dogs do a lot of damage, yes if the evidence is there and earnings are gettin lost surely action needs to be taken but I think people use that excuse just to go out summer hunting

what a load of rubbish. ..i think you've just confirmed you know nothing and are talking sh*te.."local dogs" lmfao. .ignore this fool lads he/she is most definitely on here to argue and contradict ..
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I've talked to hundreds of farmers with lambs and very few have had problems with foxes taking lambs, IMO lot of the times local dogs do a lot of damage, yes if the evidence is there and earnings are gettin lost surely action needs to be taken but I think people use that excuse just to go out summer hunting

Promised myself I wouldn't get involved in this stupid argument but a post like that, supposedly coming from a hunter, is exactly what the antis are looking for.

Your entitled to your opinion but not when your opinion could damage fieldsports.

FACT. Foxes do take lambs. Lots of them. This year I've had call outs on lowland farms and the victims were single lambs up to a week old. I'm long enough at this way of life to know fox worrying from anything else.

FACT. A couple of years ago the Minister of Agriculture here in Ireland said he was banning terrier work.

A couple of us spoke with the MoA and one of the BIGGEST facts that saved terrier work here in Ireland was the fact that there is NO other legal and humane method of fox control where the cubs can be accounted for underground as well as the offending parent.

Even the MoA knows that fox predation amongst lambs and poultry is at it's highest during the foxes breeding season.

So please think very carefully before writing on the WWW anything that can be used against our way of life in the future.

Could that be the end of this subject ?

A subject that most decent law abiding terrier men just get on with because they have to and not argue it here for everyone to see.

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I've talked to hundreds of farmers with lambs and very few have had problems with foxes taking lambs, IMO lot of the times local dogs do a lot of damage, yes if the evidence is there and earnings are gettin lost surely action needs to be taken but I think people use that excuse just to go out summer hunting


Promised myself I wouldn't get involved in this stupid argument but a post like that, supposedly coming from a hunter, is exactly what the antis are looking for.

Your entitled to your opinion but not when your opinion could damage fieldsports.

FACT. Foxes do take lambs. Lots of them. This year I've had call outs on lowland farms and the victims were single lambs up to a week old. I'm long enough at this way of life to know fox worrying from anything else.

FACT. A couple of years ago the Minister of Agriculture here in Ireland said he was banning terrier work.

A couple of us spoke with the MoA and one of the BIGGEST facts that saved terrier work here in Ireland was the fact that there is NO other legal and humane method of fox control where the cubs can be accounted for underground as well as the offending parent.

Even the MoA knows that fox predation amongst lambs and poultry is at it's highest during the foxes breeding season.

So please think very carefully before writing on the WWW anything that can be used against our way of life in the future.

Could that be the end of this subject ?

A subject that most decent law abiding terrier men just get on with because they have to and not argue it here for everyone to see.

well said Neil.
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Everyone is allowed there opinion an i do agree with irishman in some respects. Round us there is lads that just go out still for sake of it with terriers, lurchers, hounds just to keep killing foxes at this time of year destroying next years sport coz they cant find owt else to do or the fools with guns organise foxdrives just coz there trigger happy now where i disagree with this is all these that i know are just doing it for the reasons ive said not coz farmers have rang with problems. Foxes do need controling an in some parts of country more than others at this time of year i do go out myself if i get a call from landowners wanting some sorted out but im afraid there is to many idiots goin out killing cubs when theres no need to an alot of lads i know where they havent evan got permission! Just like said it summat for em to do an work there dogs it them lads want to get a bit of respect for the job an leave the foxes alone now unless there in a area where they need sorting like where theres alot of sheep lambing!

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Everyone is allowed there opinion an i do agree with irishman in some respects. Round us there is lads that just go out still for sake of it with terriers, lurchers, hounds just to keep killing foxes at this time of year destroying next years sport coz they cant find owt else to do or the fools with guns organise foxdrives just coz there trigger happy now where i disagree with this is all these that i know are just doing it for the reasons ive said not coz farmers have rang with problems. Foxes do need controling an in some parts of country more than others at this time of year i do go out myself if i get a call from landowners wanting some sorted out but im afraid there is to many idiots goin out killing cubs when theres no need to an alot of lads i know where they havent evan got permission! Just like said it summat for em to do an work there dogs it them lads want to get a bit of respect for the job an leave the foxes alone now unless there in a area where they need sorting like where theres alot of sheep lambing!

very true of the people round by me,many go out at this time of year because they want to not because they have to.
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I've talked to hundreds of farmers with lambs and very few have had problems with foxes taking lambs, IMO lot of the times local dogs do a lot of damage, yes if the evidence is there and earnings are gettin lost surely action needs to be taken but I think people use that excuse just to go out summer hunting

. Do you go out witha little twisted c**t in scotland by any chance
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I do,not about me Hunting,but giving them ammo to use against me,yes I do care! Its laughable the way we Hunters debate a simple question about whether weve seen any cubs,not the rights and wrongs of hunting in or out of season,the merits of that question should be on its own thread for the people interested to debate,i don't think the person who asked the question expected to be answered with ten pages of total irelavence to himself? I'm not aiming that at anyone personally but its just clogging the site,i personally don't want to have to read threw ten pages to get get two answers!

I agree with your comments about unity and a few of the other bits but, you will give people ammo to use against you when your avatar photo is of a pair of steels!!! Being called Gamedog and using photos of matching paraphernalia isn't the best way of keeping a low profile!!

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I've talked to hundreds of farmers with lambs and very few have had problems with foxes taking lambs, IMO lot of the times local dogs do a lot of damage, yes if the evidence is there and earnings are gettin lost surely action needs to be taken but I think people use that excuse just to go out summer hunting

. Do you go out witha little twisted c**t in scotland by any chance


What One ? There's Hunners up here !! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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