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You aim following me around the site bloc end if your taking the time out to read my posts atleast read them proper ye Jack ass. . . Dogs I said dogs 5 in total

Who put ten pence in you delboy you sound more like a f***ing Rodney who the f**k is following you round the site one question make me a stalker ?

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saw a whole load of em sat round a camp fire singing ging gang goolie.... Yokel

Promised myself I wouldn't get involved in this stupid argument but a post like that, supposedly coming from a hunter, is exactly what the antis are looking for. Your entitled to your opinion but not

Possibly the biggest pile of shite I've ever read on here....well done.

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Ten pence is prob all you have to your name . Stalker you said it not me

Actually I'm doing ok in the pocket judging from your dogs you got from the dog pound I'm doing a lot better than some my nan got one of them queen Anne legged Russell's you can have lol and your still hunting in tracksuit bottoms and wellies gotta be a p***y

Edited by block end
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Why have your nan got queen ann legs to straight legged Russell's them boy . Wouldn't have them any other way. You prob found you Mrs in the pound. There good dogs to wouldn't keep pig's. Your a p***y lover every p***y around whales playing hide the sausage with your Mrs an Nan. . Prob where she got the queen Ann legs

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Unbelivable! Some of us 'Marched and Demonstrated' for 'Our Right To Hunt', Ive called this site 'The Bitching Life' on a few occations! Ive just read at least 30pages of pure laughable 'Bitching',the anti -scum must be pissing their pantie's! Show a United Front or take it somewhere else! I belive the original post was- 'Seen any cubs yet?By this I think beany ment due to the time of year,weather,multiple births in a year etc? Yes beany,i saw two cubs lastnite not much bigger than a cat!I love taking a young dog out with an older exspirenced dog on a Spring/Summers night/morning,i don't kill anything,its for the pup 'To see/smell the rabbit so to speak,i even have the pup on an exstender lead so it can have a little chase if it wants?I dern't have them loose as theres a 99-100% chance i'll never see them again!What about you beany,seen many? Fellow Hunters- Re-Read this topic and a few of the previous topics and see how personal and pathetic they are! 'UNITE AND FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHTS' or don't moan when they use this(our own tripe against us and Hunting is banned altogether! HAPPY-HUNTING.

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There does seem to be a lot of clowns on here bitching let's have no personal insults please it just lowers the tone. Seen a few cubs out ,a few years ago bolted 5 three quarter grown in February that vixen must have been down in November ,happen anyone else?

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There does seem to be a lot of clowns on here bitching let's have no personal insults please it just lowers the tone. Seen a few cubs out ,a few years ago bolted 5 three quarter grown in February that vixen must have been down in November ,happen anyone else?

Thats an accident that cant be avoided my point is not about that. Its is tho for lads doing it in may/june/july and calling themselves terriermen and saying it for the good of terrierwork. If thats what they wana do thats up to them I just cant agree with it no way. Iv been asked by a numerous farmers/gun clubs to do fox control out of season and turned them down every time and told them id be back when seasons in. If they want to get someone else in thats up to them. Cue up for the insults again just because it not the same view as yours

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This thread needs deleting or at least locked, it's embarrassing and every Anti reading this must be pissing themselves laughing !

No offence to you but who cares what the anti's think. They are the reason we argueing in the first place.

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I do,not about me Hunting,but giving them ammo to use against me,yes I do care! Its laughable the way we Hunters debate a simple question about whether weve seen any cubs,not the rights and wrongs of hunting in or out of season,the merits of that question should be on its own thread for the people interested to debate,i don't think the person who asked the question expected to be answered with ten pages of total irelavence to himself? I'm not aiming that at anyone personally but its just clogging the site,i personally don't want to have to read threw ten pages to get get two answers!

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I do,not about me Hunting,but giving them ammo to use against me,yes I do care! Its laughable the way we Hunters debate a simple question about whether weve seen any cubs,not the rights and wrongs of hunting in or out of season,the merits of that question should be on its own thread for the people interested to debate,i don't think the person who asked the question expected to be answered with ten pages of total irelavence to himself? I'm not aiming that at anyone personally but its just clogging the site,i personally don't want to have to read threw ten pages to get get two answers!

Fair enough but there gonna be different views on a topic like this. If you go back to the first page this debate started from a smart ass remark probably from someone who do very little in the game

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theres 3 spots on mine with cubs down, thay can stay there for me. nothing bothering no birds down and no lambs about. let them be cubs thay will soon grow and go there way. then if thay become pest. then ile make a move.unfortunatly some people cant leave alone. not my cup a tea, and cubs dont test a terrier.

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This thread needs deleting or at least locked, it's embarrassing and every Anti reading this must be pissing themselves laughing !

Laughing? Think you mean copying and printing, all there work being done for them by one man. He is either very fuking dumb or very smart either way I'd have him f****d of the site!!

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