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saw a whole load of em sat round a camp fire singing ging gang goolie.... Yokel

Promised myself I wouldn't get involved in this stupid argument but a post like that, supposedly coming from a hunter, is exactly what the antis are looking for. Your entitled to your opinion but not

Possibly the biggest pile of shite I've ever read on here....well done.

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I would like to see some decent terriermen/huntsmen back me up here or i will start to get worried


how can anyone on here back you up when you keep shooting yourself in the foot. if you knew anything about the game you claim to be so passionate about then you would know its history, its ins and outs, and know what does it more harm than good.....

do you hunt a pack of hounds? if you do you are not in the game long/wont last very long as every huntsman in the country will help out a farmer in season or not, do some research on the lads commenting on this tread and i think you will find most of them know what they talking about, are pretty genuine and do alot more listening than talking.........




What I do is sport.. where im from what you call vermin control is a cover name to shoot and kill foxes out of season.. call it what you like

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Dont no about you but were i live foxes live mainly on small mammals and not waisting their time running after pheasants. I think every fox in every area is different just giving my opinion like everyone else :D

Ahhh...That old 'chestnut'. Foxes mainly take field voles....and badgers worms.....LOL.But their also very capable, of exploiting a wide range of food sources,within their territories.

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I will take it back I don't like calling any hunting man an anti but I don't agree with your ways

Look mate I dont have any problems with shooting men i know plenty of them.. as long as they shoot birds and not an other mans sport thats just the way i was brought up.. surely you can understand
At the end of the dig the terrier man becomes the shooting man.

Killing cubs is an unpleasant job but it's something that has to be done.

I don't need to do it so I don't but I know a lot of people do which is fine by me.

The only thing that pisses me off is the people that brag about it posting pics of them etc like they've done something really good, usually though there the type of people that never get them during the winter months.

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I will take it back I don't like calling any hunting man an anti but I don't agree with your ways

Look mate I dont have any problems with shooting men i know plenty of them.. as long as they shoot birds and not an other mans sport thats just the way i was brought up.. surely you can understand
At the end of the dig the terrier man becomes the shooting man.

Killing cubs is an unpleasant job but it's something that has to be done.

I don't need to do it so I don't but I know a lot of people do which is fine by me.

The only thing that pisses me off is the people that brag about it posting pics of them etc like they've done something really good, usually though there the type of people that never get them during the winter months.


I agree with you lucky to certain degree but i dont use a gun at all

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Fox = vermin/pest... kills all it can get its teeth into at any time of year....hens lambs poults mice voles shrew nesting birds chickens rabbit slugs worms grubs and beetles, frogs you name it if it can get its teeth into then regardless how many was in the coop will be dead but not be eaten..now i hve no problem at all with this after all it is a fox and is entitled to survive and eat and rear cubs i have absolutley no problem with this in fact, nothing better i like than to take my neices cub watching in the summer and get immense enjoyment watching them play fight and photo them get into the car and drive home very satisfied that the fox population is getting to recover after being hit hard all winter! but i had a call monday morning from a man i source my organic pork and chicken from who rents a holding on the shooting estate i work the terriers... a good spot far too good too loose..... a very humble wee man around 60.. he had 16 chickens ready for the chop in a coop fox gets in and kills the lot, that wee man hasnt got the money to go out and source new birds and was very distraught..... the fox is only doing what t is hard wired throught thousands and tousands of years to do and that is kill! but he had to be culled and low and behold it wasnt a vixen dropped or ready to drop, was an old dog fox around 5 year old with a few of his teeth missing..... but he had to go.... its not like we are saying we are still monitoring our permissions at this time of year far from it the farmers sick of looking at me ...but if he calls you have to go.....and thats called terrier work....for the eradification of predators and pests! if a farmer called you now to rid a grain shed of rats witht the terriers would you not go cos the rats are having younguns????

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how many shoots do you know put down 60000?

if ya took time to read what i quoted on ya would see who mentioned 5,000 laying birds and 60,000 poults …………..and the killing of vixens of cubs is a must for the protection of lambs

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I will take it back I don't like calling any hunting man an anti but I don't agree with your ways

Look mate I dont have any problems with shooting men i know plenty of them.. as long as they shoot birds and not an other mans sport thats just the way i was brought up.. surely you can understand
At the end of the dig the terrier man becomes the shooting man.

Killing cubs is an unpleasant job but it's something that has to be done.

I don't need to do it so I don't but I know a lot of people do which is fine by me.

The only thing that pisses me off is the people that brag about it posting pics of them etc like they've done something really good, usually though there the type of people that never get them during the winter months.


I agree with you lucky to certain degree but i dont use a gun at all


could i just ask how you dispatch your foxes?

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how many shoots do you know put down 60000?

if ya took time to read what i quoted on ya would see who mentioned 5,000 laying birds and 60,000 poults …………..and the killing of vixens of cubs is a must for the protection of lambs


I only put down 800 birds so is it ok for me to kill a vixen with cubs ?

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I don't know how many birds one of my farms put down but it can't be many I've only seen 1 pheasant in 2 years lol

I can't start until they've finished shooting but by Christmas there usually done.

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