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saw a whole load of em sat round a camp fire singing ging gang goolie.... Yokel

Promised myself I wouldn't get involved in this stupid argument but a post like that, supposedly coming from a hunter, is exactly what the antis are looking for. Your entitled to your opinion but not

Possibly the biggest pile of shite I've ever read on here....well done.

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I will take it back I don't like calling any hunting man an anti but I don't agree with your ways

Look mate I dont have any problems with shooting men i know plenty of them.. as long as they shoot birds and not an other mans sport thats just the way i was brought up.. surely you can understand

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surely you can understand when a shepherd gets up in the morning and finds his lambs killed or a keeper goes to feed his birds and most have been slaughtered . that a job needs to be done .

Killing cubs needs to been done we dont like doing it but its part of terrier work and imo it can make a decent dog look shit and you end up wrecking earths .....the thing that rips my knitting are the lads that you hear nothing from all winter coming on here posting pics of there spring time digs looking for a pat on the back

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surely you can understand when a shepherd gets up in the morning and finds his lambs killed or a keeper goes to feed his birds and most have been slaughtered . that a job needs to be done .

Killing cubs needs to been done we dont like doing it but its part of terrier work and imo it can make a decent dog look shit and you end up wrecking earths .....the thing that rips my knitting are the lads that you hear nothing from all winter coming on here posting pics of there spring time digs looking for a pat on the back

You dont here from me in the winter cause im hunting when its meant to be done :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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I would like to see some decent terriermen/huntsmen back me up here or i will start to get worried


how can anyone on here back you up when you keep shooting yourself in the foot. if you knew anything about the game you claim to be so passionate about then you would know its history, its ins and outs, and know what does it more harm than good.....

do you hunt a pack of hounds? if you do you are not in the game long/wont last very long as every huntsman in the country will help out a farmer in season or not, do some research on the lads commenting on this tread and i think you will find most of them know what they talking about, are pretty genuine and do alot more listening than talking.........



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I take it you don't have sheep or keep game birds... 1,500 ewes to lamb and 5000 laying pheasants (60,000 poults later on) and the good old ARSEPCA dumping foxes left right and centre... I will just shoo them away and hope they don't come back !!! 75 quid a lamb and 37 quid plus the dreaded for pheasants... It's ok standing on your side of the fence Irishman !

culling vixens with cubs for the sake of lambs i can fully agree with 110% ……………….but when you have 60,000 birds scratting around …….you may as well bang the dinner gong, every predator for miles will be licking they lips …….out of them 60,000 how many will you actually shoot ???? and if a vixen feeding cubs takes as many as 100 would you even notice ????? ……..its no wonder the antis think we are a blood thirsty lot ……….breeding 60,000 birds to kill for fun ……then kill a vixen with cubs for feeding her young ????? thats how they think …….and we as hunters give the antis all the ammunition they need to slate us ……….and before ya shout and bawl lol……..i shoot almost every weekend for deer and fox ………but i never shoot cubs unless a farmer asks me to

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