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saw a whole load of em sat round a camp fire singing ging gang goolie.... Yokel

Promised myself I wouldn't get involved in this stupid argument but a post like that, supposedly coming from a hunter, is exactly what the antis are looking for. Your entitled to your opinion but not

Possibly the biggest pile of shite I've ever read on here....well done.

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Thats a load of sh*t foxes filling lambs and they dont do that much damage to pheasants thats from a farmer thats been in sheep all his live and a shooting man that runs a gun club.. you go out killing foxes at this time of year or any other time of year for that matter more foxes will come in to take their place FACT. Now a man that has hens i no he at risk from the fox but secure the pen up right and problem solved.[/
Thats a load of sh*t foxes filling lambs and they dont do that much damage to pheasants thats from a farmer thats been in sheep all his live and a shooting man that runs a gun club.. you go out killing foxes at this time of year or any other time of year for that matter more foxes will come in to take their place FACT. Now a man that has hens i no he at risk from the fox but secure the pen up right and problem solved.
. CAN I ASK YOUR AGE. Fook ive just been told. Am shocked but there you go.
Edited by gonetoearth
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Fox control at this time of year for either lamb or bird protection is the most effective period .Kill a fox any other time its for sport and will be replaced straight away ,kill a fox now and the territorial boundary it had set up will last quite some time .Remove a vixen and youve spared a whole load of killng .Those that know will be doing it ,those that dig for sport will have have hung up the graft simple .To say that control should have been done in the winter and no probs now is to use the moral high ground but reality is very different.No one likes doing cubs but no one likes losing permission either.

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Fox control at this time of year for either lamb or bird protection is the most effective period .Kill a fox any other time its for sport and will be replaced straight away ,kill a fox now and the territorial boundary it had set up will last quite some time .Remove a vixen and youve spared a whole load of killng .Those that know will be doing it ,those that dig for sport will have have hung up the graft simple .To say that control should have been done in the winter and no probs now is to use the moral high ground but reality is very different.No one likes doing cubs but no one likes losing permission either.

FAIR enough its just something that i dont do. I hunt foxes for terrierwork and ive been asked to do fox control in the past which consists of killing foxes out of season its just not for me.

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Irishman, if you were in the area I live at lambing time and the shepherds hit you round the ear with every lamb killed by a fox you would be a very sore man.

I've been to holes the terrier couldn't get in for carcasses, watched a pair of foxes torment and distract a ewe until one of them killed her twins and witnessed one chewing the head of a lamb while being born.

Thank god they don't kill many pheasants :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: belter.

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Dont no about you but were i live foxes live mainly on small mammals and not waisting their time running after pheasants. I think every fox in every area is different just giving my opinion like everyone else :D

are you still drunk from paddys day or is it just a straight wind up? lol.... and did you ask the i.w.t.f. permisssion to use their pictures?

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Far to many idiots out with dogs and rifles still killing foxes at this time of year just for something to do. I hate the call from any keepers or farmers to sort cubs but i have to do it if asked an agree in some circumstances they need sorting especially for the lambs but for me its the idiots that go out just for sake of it killing breeding stock which is next seasons sport that i havent got a good word to say about, just wankers!!

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If a fox or a vixon with cubs is doing damage then its a job that has to be done,no one that works terriers like doing it but thats the way it is,BUT is there really any need to plaster it all over thl,its this that will finish terrier work in the end,go about your buisness and keep it to yourself.

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Thats a load of sh*t foxes filling lambs and they dont do that much damage to pheasants thats from a farmer thats been in sheep all his live and a shooting man that runs a gun club.. you go out killing foxes at this time of year or any other time of year for that matter more foxes will come in to take their place FACT. Now a man that has hens i no he at risk from the fox but secure the pen up right and problem solved.


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