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saw a whole load of em sat round a camp fire singing ging gang goolie.... Yokel

Promised myself I wouldn't get involved in this stupid argument but a post like that, supposedly coming from a hunter, is exactly what the antis are looking for. Your entitled to your opinion but not

Possibly the biggest pile of shite I've ever read on here....well done.

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I take it you don't have sheep or keep game birds... 1,500 ewes to lamb and 5000 laying pheasants (60,000 poults later on) and the good old ARSEPCA dumping foxes left right and centre... I will just shoo them away and hope they don't come back !!! 75 quid a lamb and 37 quid plus the dreaded for pheasants... It's ok standing on your side of the fence Irishman !

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I agree it dosnt take a good terrierman to find vixens in holes now. Just madness killing foxes at this time of year getting ready to cub dont care if it for lambing or poultry reasons just leave them alone.

its called pest control for a reason!

if you have a pest at this time of year worrying poults or stock then it has to be controlled simple as! ive said this before it is no fun for any genuine terrier man to dispatch any animal may it be in the middle of winter or the middle of spring/ summer, but when farmers from your permission are calling for you to do a callout at this time of the year on your permission then im sorry but im on my way.... the farmer/gamekeeper looses any stock in the land im on and i dont come when asked to sort it then i wouldnt be allowed back! its called terrier work...

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Was thinking the same would rather not here about it


I reckon some people actually get a kick out of diging or killing cubs,then they be on here come winter saying there geting it hard to find game to ground,any wonder and they killing there own sport.Some lads have to do it wheather they like it or not as protection for lambs and game birds but why write about it on here.
. Some times a man has to do what a man has too or some one else will
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I would agree that most lads would prefer to dig foxes on crisp winters morning. Unfortunately if your livelihood depnds on pheasants , lambs or poultry then foxes have to be controlled and if that means cubs or vixens in cub then thats the way it has to be. You wouldnt keep permission long if you refused to turn out for a sheep farmer who was losing lambs, he would soon find someone else to do the job.



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Thats a load of sh*t foxes filling lambs and they dont do that much damage to pheasants thats from a farmer thats been in sheep all his live and a shooting man that runs a gun club.. you go out killing foxes at this time of year or any other time of year for that matter more foxes will come in to take their place FACT. Now a man that has hens i no he at risk from the fox but secure the pen up right and problem solved.

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Doesnt matter what you believe if a farmer / keeper wants you to come and sort some foxes in the breeding season you had better turn up or you wont be welcome back when you are ready to get the dogs out!! Sad but true im afraid.



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I agree it dosnt take a good terrierman to find vixens in holes now. Just madness killing foxes at this time of year getting ready to cub dont care if it for lambing or poultry reasons just leave them alone.

It Don't take a "GOOD" terrierman ,to find Foxes in Holes ,any time of the year...It ain't Rocket science...It,s a Lottery,if their in or not..

Leg work & keeping your eye on your Dens....is I.M.O. what counts. There is no Big Mystery that a Few can Only Know..the "REAL Terriermen " that only Hunt within a given time...Some of us Haven't got that Luxury..Should Folk "Gun Packs" tuck away their Hounds,as soon as the Daffodils pop up ?

Should the Keepers ,take the Phone off the Hook ? not to mention the Livestock Farmers ,with Grey hair ,this Time of the Year ?

Your sitting in a very comfy space..if this doesn't matter to you ,an good for you,but That isn't the case for the other 99% that have Game / livestock to protect.Your Pals a Lucky man,not having To worry and doing the Maths...

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Thats a load of sh*t foxes filling lambs and they dont do that much damage to pheasants thats from a farmer thats been in sheep all his live and a shooting man that runs a gun club.. you go out killing foxes at this time of year or any other time of year for that matter more foxes will come in to take their place FACT. Now a man that has hens i no he at risk from the fox but secure the pen up right and problem solved.

Possibly the biggest pile of shite I've ever read on here....well done.

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Thats a load of sh*t foxes filling lambs and they dont do that much damage to pheasants thats from a farmer thats been in sheep all his live and a shooting man that runs a gun club.. you go out killing foxes at this time of year or any other time of year for that matter more foxes will come in to take their place FACT. Now a man that has hens i no he at risk from the fox but secure the pen up right and problem solved.

Possibly the biggest pile of shite I've ever read on here....wellI

I take it your one that likes killing soft vixens full of cubs or feeding cubs by the sound of you EJIT

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Thats a load of sh*t foxes filling lambs and they dont do that much damage to pheasants thats from a farmer thats been in sheep all his live and a shooting man that runs a gun club.. you go out killing foxes at this time of year or any other time of year for that matter more foxes will come in to take their place FACT. Now a man that has hens i no he at risk from the fox but secure the pen up right and problem solved.

Possibly the biggest pile of shite I've ever read on here....wellI
I take it your one that likes killing soft vixens full of cubs or feeding cubs by the sound of you EJIT

Nope but can see that it needs done sometimes. If you think that a fox doesn't do damage to young pheasant poults your the f***ing ejit.

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Irishman,had my doubts about you :hmm: Seem to be showing your "TRUE" colours :yes:

Don't REALLY think if your out this time of the YEAR...YOU ENJOY KILLING..... :icon_eek: in most case your PREVENTING Slaughter...Vixen + Hungry cubs adds up to alot Overkill :yes:

Control not Extermination is what most Folk aim for .I.M.O. :thumbs:

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Thats a load of sh*t foxes filling lambs and they dont do that much damage to pheasants thats from a farmer thats been in sheep all his live and a shooting man that runs a gun club.. you go out killing foxes at this time of year or any other time of year for that matter more foxes will come in to take their place FACT. Now a man that has hens i no he at risk from the fox but secure the pen up right and problem solved.

Possibly the biggest pile of shite I've ever read on here....wellI
I take it your one that likes killing soft vixens full of cubs or feeding cubs by the sound of you EJIT

Nope but can see that it needs done sometimes. If you think that a fox doesn't do damage to young pheasant poults your the f*****g ejit.

my opinion is some times it has to be done so dont be nieve but they also can be moved on without killing like said before some gotta I ain't gotta at the end of the day everyone is different : different circumstances call for it thats reality
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