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Well lads it's not a hw 100 or gay state

But a s200 they may not be the most expensive or to many peoples taste but I've had her about 2 hours now and I'm bloody loving it she's a cracker

Topped with a hawke hd 3-9-40 ao ir

Had a bit of a Plink out the back under lamp light and I'm impressed I must say so looking forward to tommorw to adjust the scope as it's sitting on just the one back block and a bit of adjust for my eye

Here's a few pics cheers lads

Atb Tom :thumbs:




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The forward block can be moved if you need to use it Tom, there's a small grubscrew holding it in place,

The reach to pull usually feels short but can be extended by using a shotgun type sleeve on the end of the butt, just a few quid.

Make sure you wipe some light oil on the "O" ring in the magazines and silicon grease on the probe "O" ring and a bit on the central boss of the magazine.

Do a full shot string from 180 bar down to 100 bar and pick out the best 45 shots in .22 or 40 from .177 to get the most efficient range.

The S200 is one of the most underrated PCPs out there, brilliant barrel but restricted by shotcount, still well ahead of the Ultra though.

Yes mate yiur right and thanks for that info mate will do ;)
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Well Tom I took your advice and got one. 4 x 12 x 50 AO IR.. Excellent optic, i put it on my rifle last night and sighted it in this morning. It's blowing gale force here so I couldn't get absolute zero but very impressed with the Hawke. :boogy::boogy::boogy: .

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Well Tom I took your advice and got one. 4 x 12 x 50 AO IR.. Excellent optic, i put it on my rifle last night and sighted it in this morning. It's blowing gale force here so I couldn't get absolute zero but very impressed with the Hawke. :boogy::boogy::boogy: .

Nice one mate I'm glad you got one and like it let me know how it goes ;)
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