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It would almost be worth putting innocent men's names on an open forum to have a scumbag out of the game...... But I'll not you know what has gone on just not going to own up to it on here.. your cousin and partner booty has stole more fowl than you have bred.

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it's been while since I've seen middle age bud...... Evan so I still manage to feed water and care for 140 cocks and hens plus young birds..... Everyday.... Uk


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Your back tracking butler you carnt put men's names on here cos there isn't any! me my dad are the only ones in our famley to keep fowl.... And both of us and both of us have never stole anythink in our life's. I've probley given more birds away then you've owned.... Bootsey isn't my partner and distantly related to me.... And yes it's well nown that he stole some chickens when he was about 14..... but still ant answerd my question? Who theses men me and my famley member have stole from?..... I tell what gonna do I'll make it easier for you..... if you can name one of my famley who as ever stolen anythink at all.... I will give up keep chickens for good and never come on the fowl and feather angain..... Yes we now some travllers have stolen chickens in past and feel same way about them you do.... But you have fingerd out me and my famley as theives. Do all I'm ask is for you to answer my qwestion and prove what you've stated to be true as the truth!.... Or be man anuff to apologise and admitt you was rong like your freined... I'm waiting

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You've seen my post so where your anwser butler? What's the names of theses theives? I would like to now and I'm sure everyone else would like to now the names of theses chicken theives?..... or was you telling lies again?..... your makeing your self out to look like a clown?.... The only mans name you can come up with is the same man uses have been rambling on about for the last 20 years. just amitt you was lieing.... And let's leave it that.

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Seriously are trying to become the new duckwing? These loonies are full of bull.... I've ask him to answer one of tow simple questions and he carnt Evan do that..... He stated that (me and my famley are nothink but chancers and theives) gamerooster I think you are just young and nieve my freined and easly led. There show men and that all. you do Evan know the men they are spreading lies about yet you join in?

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A show your dad went to, and within the week the man had been cleaned out...... co-incidence..... me thinks not...... and your three years older than me, so jump off your high horse...... your an outsider, love it or loathe it, thats just the way the cookie crumbles

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  On 02/10/2014 at 21:01, gamerooster said:

You lie with dogs....... and you catch fleas........ 14 or not, hes still a chicken theif, the fact you associate with them is enough for most men, as they say, loose lips sink ships

to be onast the man they are for ever running there mouths of about as forgot more about chickens then everyone them put togeather as ever learnd. And as has the same fowl for over 20 years and they have tried to get hands on them in every way possible. Now more so then cut some tie cords in irland. We have more then anuff men in our circle. and we do need them. Want them. Or care what they do. And we Evan wish them luck at the next poultry show and may they win best in show. All we ask is that they leave us alone and stop spreading lies.
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  On 02/10/2014 at 22:04, gamerooster said:

A show your dad went to, and within the week the man had been cleaned out...... co-incidence..... me thinks not...... and your three years older than me, so jump off your high horse...... your an outsider, love it or loathe it, thats just the way the cookie crumbles

. You need get your straite befor you open your mouth. My dad never whent to poultry show in he's life he wouldn't be seen dead at one. you are nothink more then a messenger boy. If I when to a shop and you was there and a week later my house got robbed Does that mean you robbed it?..... Why carnt butler answer my question???
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Gamerooster I'm not intreasted in your second hand gossip..... let's just wait and see if butler can answer my question. And let's get this thread back on topic. Louisiana was a great place I would really like to go there again sometime.

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Gamerooster...... Why Are you interested in what other chicken men outside your circle are doing??? We have circles for a reason so come on now concentrate on the group you have had for 100 year..., kidding yourselfs against each other afraid to meet others because you know what will happen...!!!! Inside and outside the pit...!!!! And as for booty.... Butler..,gamerooster.. There must be some jelosy going off putting mens names on an open forum!! If you don't like people and have listen to hearsay about them then why bring them up??? Like you say you wouldn't have anything to do with them.... So why talk all this?? Both gamerooster and butler are what is rong with our hobby,, nothing but cowards and liers.... And if you want to reply why not inbox me and we can airs somthing out.... Put all these lies to bed?????

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All this talk about booty been about been a chicken thief is total bollocks this stems back to the early eighties when a Welllknown chicken man from Doncaster was running birds out on another mans land that man sold bootyt those birds to cover the price of corn Ect that's where this shite has come from Fact that is gamerooster

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