BIG G wheton machine 1,594 Posted March 25, 2014 Report Share Posted March 25, 2014 Right that's it, out side nie, bare bellies whoever wins the fight gets to title the breed. Good or Shiite Quote Link to post
fireman 11,003 Posted March 25, 2014 Report Share Posted March 25, 2014 Kirstysdad,this is 1979,my first 2 plummers given to me to test on fox by Brian,tiny little things only about 10" TTS,he still called them russells then,these 2 bitches were out the same litter and the red was only dominant in 50% of the litters due to the breeding off white bodied dogs,this was his mousey headed stage, not long after this he was producing terriers that were too big for smallish tight holes,the laugh is when those bitches came in season he sent me to Ruthin,North Wales for a stud off his more famous dogs of that time in an attempt to produce a slightly bigger terrier around 12"-13" but all them stud dogs were 16"-17"TTS scans 007.jpg these bitches could work a fox but were only yappers really,great for quick bolts but if they did'nt want to move or took a heavy puncture then they'd come out and I'd leash her up,I'd then let the proper earthdog in as I kept many types of terrier back then and it would be a dig.I mated those bitches to a well known "Nuttall" dog hard as nails and produced some of the best little earthdogs around and brought the size and shape up as well. scans 012.jpg I'd love to say she did that damage to the fox but she never,her ambition far outweighed her ability.The red bitch behind did that damage,that was her calling card,bred by George Hardy of N. Wales. I'm not wanting to get into an argument, or anything, but are you saying you bred off bitches would come out? jackers?spewers? curs? Why would you want to do such a thing when you had many proper earth dogs? Why not breed off your proper earth dogs instead? I can't understand that bit. Sorry if I'm being a bit thick? You neednt apologise for being a bit thick,among educated people i would imagine its well known,your sly insecure manner and backstabbing nastiness is proof of that,you have done nothing for fieldsports other than help the antis with your pathetic comic books,you are a nothing thats found a easy way to make money out of a tradition and way of life that was kept among people who took part in it. Hey, I only asked a question, it's the first question any terrierman would ask. Why were jackers/spewers bred from? Hardly a personal attack or being sly. I was just very very curious as to why, that's all. as, I am sure, every single terrierman is on here. well the person to ask would of been him,my guess would of been he wanted to improve on what he had. That is the only reason to breed,not just to carry something on but to improve on it .. 1 Quote Link to post
STRANGER 948 Posted March 25, 2014 Report Share Posted March 25, 2014 Aye, minor things. But to try and improve on pure shite by breeding it to 'something better' is no way to carry on IMO Quote Link to post
wirral countryman 2,110 Posted March 25, 2014 Report Share Posted March 25, 2014 I was thinking the same myself JD !!!!!!!! JD and Neil. back then in 1979 I was 22yrs old and killed foxes for pelts,damage to a foxes skin meant less money for it,we had many terriers of all types from little yappers to killers,our proper digging was done with patts and fells but during those 12 weeks whilst the skins were thick and fully set they were worth decent money,we never killed less than 100 in that short period of winter,we hunted parks and peoples large gardens with mansions in,railway embankments and under motorway bridges, etc, we always tried for a quick easy bolt into a net then on to the next,nothing was legal or on permission so a 15 minute screamer was exactly what we wanted and these 2 bitches fitted the bill,although I have to say the red bitch was sold later on to a mate who went out with the keepers on lord derby and the leverhulme estate and settled down later in age to a decent little digging bitch.I ran a line of what looked like russells for the next 20yrs out of the other little bitch by putting lots of decent digging dogs over her but mainly Nuttall's black fells,I kept the odd black one back but mainly russell looking types and the odd Plummer,I also bred other types as well in that time,the black remained dominant as I selected only white bodied black patch dogs from the better litters,all the bitches were sold before they were born to the Cheshire hunt Kennells and associated farmers as my bitch from one of those matings "ROLLO" impressed a lot of folk with her work ethic,those original 2 bitches never had the tools to get involved but they were game little f*ckers at times,my bitch was killed aged 8yrs bolting a fox out of a drain which ran across all 6 lanes of the motorway,my bitch never got 1 ft over the first lane,squashed flat by a HGV but she left a legacy that was carried for 20yrs and I've never regretted 1 minute of it. a few of her pups and some bred from them my lads loved us having pups,I used to have to search half the kids in the street when they were leaving,LOL's,Mods,I've kept the graphics to a minimum and anything shown was well pre-ban, WM 9 Quote Link to post
wirral countryman 2,110 Posted March 25, 2014 Report Share Posted March 25, 2014 Why not? According to this thread there are loads of people digging them, regularly All them pics on here are from a long time ago and there are'nt many of that ilk now, WM 2 Quote Link to post
wirral countryman 2,110 Posted March 25, 2014 Report Share Posted March 25, 2014 Its great fun listening to you educated terriermen that have probably never bred a decent terrier in your lives,its easy to snipe away and gang up like cowards do but its only the internet,LOL's,put me a few pics of your pups and their outcomes,I don't mean stuff you've bought in but something you've actually bred for work yourself adding to the terrierworld, WM 1 Quote Link to post
wirral countryman 2,110 Posted March 25, 2014 Report Share Posted March 25, 2014 Aye, minor things. But to try and improve on pure shite by breeding it to 'something better' is no way to carry on IMO The proof is there in full colour mate, I would never be too quick culling a dog that had heart but never had the tools to deal with the quarry,some dogs go late as well,there are many set backs when breeding towards a goal,I've bred off 2 excellent workers and produced sh*te,in genetics there are no guarrantees,only heartaches and setbacks,but when you get it right you can't beat it, WM 4 Quote Link to post
Cleanspade 3,324 Posted March 25, 2014 Report Share Posted March 25, 2014 this is the usual. a fella puts a thread up about his working dogs and it gets hijacked. and goes off a tangent. sad really. as there is stuff on these threads that a lot of folk find interesting. when the blowhards start bickering these threads get ruined or worse deleted. for the record ive seen plummers and crossbred plummers put in a half decent account of themselves on fox. i never paid more than an average price for a pup and paid next to nothing for one. ive been offered gift pups on a regular basis.beleive it or not some plummer owners are common a garden working dog folk. that have a liking for this breed. and dont spew out pups for bucks. same as other breeds really. 6 Quote Link to post
wirral countryman 2,110 Posted March 25, 2014 Report Share Posted March 25, 2014 Here's a few of my old warrior "DANNY" 2000-2011,a great little fox dog,"REMLAP" bred carrying Vandal on both sides,he got a bit hard later in life but I dug my last fox with him 2 weeks before he died,loved work and hated everyone, WM thats the little lad on the previous pics,24yrs old now 9 Quote Link to post
BIG G wheton machine 1,594 Posted March 25, 2014 Report Share Posted March 25, 2014 Here's a few of my old warrior "DANNY" 2000-2011,a great little fox dog,"REMLAP" bred carrying Vandal on both sides,he got a bit hard later in life but I dug my last fox with him 2 weeks before he died,loved work and hated everyone, WM DSCN1212.jpg DSCF6012.JPG thats the little lad on the previous pics,24yrs old now DSC_4544.jpg DSC_4430.jpg test pics 042.jpg test pics 125.jpg .. Wm. are your dogs your own line with Russell and fell in the blood or did you buy pure plummers? I always like reading a lot of your posts. Quote Link to post
Big bald beautiful 1,231 Posted March 25, 2014 Report Share Posted March 25, 2014 Looks well for an old dog...:-SS Quote Link to post
Big bald beautiful 1,231 Posted March 25, 2014 Report Share Posted March 25, 2014 Had it easy,compared to my toothless old gimmer 1 Quote Link to post
lucky 578 Posted March 25, 2014 Report Share Posted March 25, 2014 At the end of the day the Plummer terrier is no different to all the others. Some will work and some won't but all can be bought, bred and peddled by dickheads. 8 Quote Link to post
neil cooney 10,416 Posted March 26, 2014 Report Share Posted March 26, 2014 I was thinking the same myself JD !!!!!!!! JD and Neil. back then in 1979 I was 22yrs old and killed foxes for pelts,damage to a foxes skin meant less money for it,we had many terriers of all types from little yappers to killers,our proper digging was done with patts and fells but during those 12 weeks whilst the skins were thick and fully set they were worth decent money,we never killed less than 100 in that short period of winter,we hunted parks and peoples large gardens with mansions in,railway embankments and under motorway bridges, etc, we always tried for a quick easy bolt into a net then on to the next,nothing was legal or on permission so a 15 minute screamer was exactly what we wanted and these 2 bitches fitted the bill,although I have to say the red bitch was sold later on to a mate who went out with the keepers on lord derby and the leverhulme estate and settled down later in age to a decent little digging bitch.I ran a line of what looked like russells for the next 20yrs out of the other little bitch by putting lots of decent digging dogs over her but mainly Nuttall's black fells,I kept the odd black one back but mainly russell looking types and the odd Plummer,I also bred other types as well in that time,the black remained dominant as I selected only white bodied black patch dogs from the better litters,all the bitches were sold before they were born to the Cheshire hunt Kennells and associated farmers as my bitch from one of those matings "ROLLO" impressed a lot of folk with her work ethic,those original 2 bitches never had the tools to get involved but they were game little f*ckers at times,my bitch was killed aged 8yrs bolting a fox out of a drain which ran across all 6 lanes of the motorway,my bitch never got 1 ft over the first lane,squashed flat by a HGV but she left a legacy that was carried for 20yrs and I've never regretted 1 minute of it. scans 009.jpg scans 001.jpg a few of her pups and some bred from them scans 026.jpg scans 016.jpg scans 019.jpg scans.jpg scans 037.jpg my lads loved us having pups,I used to have to search half the kids in the street when they were leaving,LOL's,Mods,I've kept the graphics to a minimum and anything shown was well pre-ban, WM An honest reply, thanks. I do realise that not everyone wants an out and out staying type and I do know it's handy to have one for situations like you have described. I also realise that you are talking about the late 70s, a time IMO that was far removed from todays scene. It's a mans own business what dog he puts over what bitch but in this day and age where there seems to be more unwanted dogs than wanted dogs if someone was to intentionally breed from curs then it's a good kick in the arse they need IMO. As you've said yourself you can put a good one to a good one and get bad ones. If someone needs a 5 minute bolter then use the bad one but to try and breed them IMO in this day and age is quiet reckless. Thanks for the reply. 4 Quote Link to post
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