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Old Plummer Terriers

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i have no old pics of plummers or the crosses wm. none worth posting anyways. i was allways a russell man. through and through. i often wonder why i got into plummers. liked the look of them i suppos

Same child still around dogs,how time flies


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It's predictive text you senile ole twat, if spelling is all you can pick me up on then I ain't doing too badly you peddling twit, an if you care to ask I spoke to lots of folks about lots of options . As I ain't breed blind....

Edited by Hot Meat
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It's predictive text you senile ole twat, if spelling is all you can pick me up on then I ain't doing too badly you peddling twit, an if you care to ask I spoke to lots of folks about lots of options . As I ain't breed blind....

Predictive text was brought out for special people like yourself, I wonder what breed you do like then as "Black Dogs" are shit as well according to your comments, go play with your dollies you sad cnut, W A W, WM

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Wooooooooooo. The gloves are off lolol. Anno it's none of my business what people do with their dogs but it's ok telling everybody that you have the best interests of keeping a working breed alive this n that, however when it comes to the crunch money always rules. I've noticed that about a lot of folk. If there was no money in dogs then the peddlers wouldn't rear their ugly heads. Only my thoughts on money and dogs. Now even at 250 a pup it's half the price of most it's hardly doing the breed any justice. Now 50 or lower and most would find decent working homes even with young lads getting into the game, which is what the breed needs, from my exp as a youngster we covered hundreds of miles to work our dogs by foot as we had no car but we always got our dogs good work and that's what working breeds in decline need proper working homes not just for the money men.

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Please lads have a bit of respect, this sort of language does nothing but give both of you a poor image ,don't know any of you but reading past posts this sort of hand bagging seems out of character,try keep the posts intelligent there are youngsters who read this looking for information ,not grown men bitching.All the best

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Big G, there's plenty of lads young and old working my terriers and they certainly never paid 250, but my terriers are my affair and what I do with them is all down to me, I value what I breed and certainly do it for the right reasons, I do not look for other peoples acknowledgment or endorsement as I breed towards a goal, I am not controlled by clubs telling me what I can breed, as for price, well that's a matter of personal preference, 250 is a fair price to pay to the average joe, you would never get rich selling a few terriers each year at that price, when I was looking to buy in a bitch 4 yrs ago I was being quoted a lot more than that by breeders that had never even worked their Plummers, with most other breeds you can go out and buy off decent working stock as there are many lads working and breeding them, unfortunately this is not the case with Plummers, I wish it was as I'd just go out and buy one instead of going through this prolonged process of trying to get back to what you've been looking at in this thread, back in the 80's and 90's most Plummers went to ground easily, some false marked and some were good digging dogs, its a shame the name "Plummer" brings an instant reaction from most but if you'd seen some decent ones then you would appreciate why I go to such extremes to defend the few workers left out there, I do not profess to own the only decent terriers of this type as I admire a few left out there and have advised many to buy their terriers and not mine, I have never sold a pup to anyone on THL or advertised them for sale, WM

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Big G, there's plenty of lads young and old working my terriers and they certainly never paid 250, but my terriers are my affair and what I do with them is all down to me, I value what I breed and certainly do it for the right reasons, I do not look for other peoples acknowledgment or endorsement as I breed towards a goal, I am not controlled by clubs telling me what I can breed, as for price, well that's a matter of personal preference, 250 is a fair price to pay to the average joe, you would never get rich selling a few terriers each year at that price, when I was looking to buy in a bitch 4 yrs ago I was being quoted a lot more than that by breeders that had never even worked their Plummers, with most other breeds you can go out and buy off decent working stock as there are many lads working and breeding them, unfortunately this is not the case with Plummers, I wish it was as I'd just go out and buy one instead of going through this prolonged process of trying to get back to what you've been looking at in this thread, back in the 80's and 90's most Plummers went to ground easily, some false marked and some were good digging dogs, its a shame the name "Plummer" brings an instant reaction from most but if you'd seen some decent ones then you would appreciate why I go to such extremes to defend the few workers left out there, I do not profess to own the only decent terriers of this type as I admire a few left out there and have advised many to buy their terriers and not mine, I have never sold a pup to anyone on THL or advertised them for sale, WM

.. I like the fact that you do seem to graft your own dogs, but do you think tat money gas ruined the breed making them inaccessible to most as 450 to 550 is an expensive cull if it doesn't work
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