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You Dont Need A Top Of The Range Gun To Take Quarry

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  • 4 weeks later...

Top marks for supporting the kids! With more people did that these days.


This will ruffle a lot of feather (pardon the pun) but I am not a massive fan of the PCP, unless it's for a business style use (pest control). For me, the PCP is amazingly consistent, and once zeroed properly, it's only a challenge to shoot well if you involuntarily sneeze every time you pull a trigger. I prefer having a cheap little springer, and still popping pests with the best of them. There's few things as entertaining (or rare, in my experiences haha) as a guy with a gun that costs 5 or 6 times as much as the one you used with only 1 or 2 more kills than you. So, in my humble opinion, you did the right thing, in passing those 3 guns off and keeping the Vulcan.


As has already been said, it's a great chance to practice your fieldcraft.

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